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Text I-A
Education in Great Britain
Education in Great Britain, as in most of the developed countries, is compulsory from 5 to 16. About 25%-30% stay on at school beyond this age and about 15% are in full-time education at the age of 20; 10% go to university. About 80% of children in the public sector go to comprehensive schools. A few Local Education Authorities still retainseparation of students intogrammar school andsecondary-modern schoolpupils according to their level. Preparatory schools are supposed to 'prepare' children for education at a public school. Public schools were originally founded by public benefactors to educate poor children. In the 19th century, most of them were transformed into foundations which are privately run. They are non-profit, but parents pay fees for their children's education. Colleges of educationor teacher-training colleges train teachers. Technical colleges andpolytechnics offer courses in practical and scientific subjects. Polytechnics award degrees. University and Polytechnic degree courses last three or four years; the degrees areBA(Bachelor of Arts)or BSc(Bachelor of Science). Postgraduate courses exist for the degrees of MA (Master of Arts), MSc (Master of Science) and PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).
Vocabulary: compulsory - обязательный; beyond - свыше; full-time education - дневная форма образования comprehensive school - школа для уч-хся всех классов и способностей (с 11 лет); authorities - власти, органы, руководство; to retain - сохранять; secondary-modern school - (с 11 лет) - школа, где готовят к дальнейшему образованию (в частности, университетскому); preparatory school - частная школа (до 14 лет), где готовят к дальнейшему образованию; according to - согласно (чему-то), в соответствии (с чем-то level - уровень; public school - государственная школа (с 11 лет); originally - первоначально, исходно, сначала; to found - основывать; benefactor - благодетель, жертвователь; to transform - преобразовать, изменить; privately - частным образом, в частном порядке; non-profit – некоммерческий fee - плата за обучение; to train - обучать, готовить; to award - вручать, присуждать; degree - научная степень; to last - продолжаться, длиться; Bachelor - бакалавр; post-graduate course - аспирантура; Master - магистр.
Comprehension check: answer the following questions:
1. In what age education in Great Britain is compulsory? 2. What types of school are there in Great Britain? 3. Which of them are run privately? 4. What education institutions award degrees? 5. How long does the college course last? 6. What scientific degree do you know?