АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
II. Answer the following questions.1. Do people change during their working lives? If so, how? 2. What types of failures do companies experience, according to the article? 3. What does a fine future behind them mean? 4. What advice does the article give to managers?
III. In another part of the article (not included here), the writer suggests that selectors should look for three qualities: a) intelligence and ability b) emotional stability c) conscientiousness.
1. Do you agree? Explain your opinion. 2. Complete the table with the adjectives below. What other words can you add?
DISCUSSION 1. In your opinion, which of factors below are important for getting a job? Choose the seven most important. Is there anything missing from the list?
2. Think about jobs you’ve had and interviews you’ve attended. Ask each other about your worst:
Part I Job interview. Dialogue I. Read and translate the dialogue: Clare: Tell me about your present job. Josh: I work for an organisation called OSS - Overseas Students' Service. I'm an accommodation officer. I help overseas students to find somewhere to live when they arrive in Britain. Clare: I see. And how long have you been with this organisation? Josh: Er .. . for just over a year. Since last May. Clare: It sounds an interesting job. Why do you want to leave? Josh: Oh, I just want a change. I'd like to travel a bit. Clare: What languages do you speak? Josh: French, German, Spanish, oh, and Punjabi and a little Hindi. Clare: That's good. Now, have you got a driving license? Josh: Yes, I've had one for three years. Clare: And what sort of job are you looking for? Josh: I'd like a job as a tour guide.
II. In pairs, make conversations using the prompts below. a: Where do you Jive? в: In (Milan). a: How long have you lived there? в: I've lived there for (five) years/since (1999).
Part II