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Ex. 1. Study the different meanings of the word following words and use them to translate

The sentences.

a) maintain v1. поддерживать, сохранять

2. содержать

3. утверждать


maintenance n 1. поддержание, сохранение

2. содержание

3. эксплуатационные расходы, стоимость содержания

4. техническое обслуживание и ремонт



1. The state is pledged (связывать обещанием) to maintain full employment.

2. A man may buy a car or some service which helps him maintain his car.

3. Equilibrium will be maintained as long as the spending is exactly matched by an equal volume of injections – investments, government spending and export sales.

4. More and better machines, buildings, tools and equipment are necessary to maintain economic growth.

b) term n 1. срок

2. четверть, семестр

3. термин


terms n 1. условия

2. отношения


in terms of в плане; с точки зрения

to come to terms - придти к соглашению с кем-л.


1. The president spoke about things he was going to realize during his term of office.

2. It is essential for the future of the country that two opposing sides should come to terms.

3. The academic year consists of two terms.

4. He sees everything in terms of money.

5. What are your terms of delivery?

6. We are on easy terms with them.

7. The activities of people are measurable in terms of payment received.

Ex. 2. Match the words listed below with their definitions.

1. ____ inflation a) land used or suitable for farming.

2. ____ partner b) something that belongs to someone.

3 ____ enterprise c) an ally or companion.

4. ____ expenditure d) the act of production or manufacture

5 ____ property d) something expended, such as money or time.

6 ____ output e) the produce of cultivated plants, esp. cereals, vegetables and


7 ____ crop f) a progressive increase in the general level of prices.

8 ____ farm land g) a business unit; a company or a firm.


Ex. 3. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate terms from the list below.


agriculture farming heavy industry forest reserves

service industries trading partner small businesses potassium salts

farmland livestock industrial production


1. Minerals are used in modern ___________.

2. The country has large _________.

3. Belarus possesses one of the world’s largest reserves of _________.

4. _________ is the most highly developed sector of the economy.

5. _________ accounts for about a seventh of Belarus’ economic output.

6. Belarus has a large amount of ________.

7. A short growing season and a lack of fertile soil make _________ difficult.

8. Cattle, hogs and sheep are the most important ________ raised in the country.

9. ________ are industries that produce services, not goods.

10. Many individuals and families are starting ________.

11. Russia, which supplies most of the country’s fuel imports, is the most important ________.


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