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Consumer Surplus

The difference between the maximum price that consumers are willing to pay for a good and the market price that they actually pay for a good is referred to as the consumer surplus. For example, the market price is $5, and the equilibrium quantity demanded is 5 units of the good. The


market demand curve reveals that consumers are willing to pay at least $9 for the first unit, $8 for the second unit, $7 for the third unit, and $6 for the fourth unit. However, they can purchase 5 units of the good for just $5 per unit. Their surplus from the first unit purchased is therefore $9 — $5 = $4. Similarly, their surpluses from the second, third and fourth units purchased are $3, $2, and $1, respectively. The sum total of these surpluses equal to 10 is the consumer surplus.

Комментарий по тексту


microeconomics   микроэкономика
individual consumer   отдельный потребитель
individual firm   отдельная фирма
theory of the con­sumer   теория потребителя
theorv of the firm   теория фирмы
preference   предпочтение
income   доход
price   цена
utility   утилита, полезность
total utility   общая полезность
marginal utility   предельная полезность
law of diminishing marginal utility   закон уменьшения пре­дельной полезности
maximize total utility   максимизировать пре­дельную полезность
constrain   ограничение
consumer's problem   проблема потребителя
consumer equilibrium   потребительское равно­весие
substitution effect   эффект замещения
income effect   эффект доходов
purchasing power   покупательная способ­ность
market demand curve   кривая рыночного спроса
consumer surplus   излишек потребительско­го спроса


The theory of the consumer is used to explain the market demand for goods and services. The theory of the firm provides an explanation for the market supply of goods and services. A firm is defined as any organization or individual that purchases factor of production (labor, capital, and raw materials) in order to produce goods and services that are sold to consumers, governments, or other firms. The theory of the firm assumes that the firm's primary objective is to maximize profits. In maximizing profits, firms are subject to two constraints: the consumers' demand for their product and the costs of production. This section focuses on the firm's production opportunities and cost constraints.


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