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The style of European architecture of the eleventh and twelfth centuries that was based on Roman style with round arches; massive, thick walls; and austere interiors. Huge west facades were crowned by a tower, or sometimes by twin towers.


words in context: Romanesque churches were massive enough to sustain large barrel vaults, which created asomberly impressive atmosphere.



This style was developed from 1066 to 1154 in areas conquered by the Normans: France, England, Italy, and Sicily. In France and England, Norman buildings were based on Romanesque architecture. These churches, castles, and abbeys were huge and sparsely decorated. English and French churches were cruciform (shaped like a cross) and had square towers. Often carved moldings were used along with grotesque animal sculptures.


words in context:In England, the only remaining Normanarchitecture is the small St. John's Chapel (c. 1087) at the tower of London; in France, Normanarchitecture includes the earliest constructed par's or Mont-Saint Michel and two abbeys at Caen.



Architectural style in England prevalent during the 1485-1556 reign of the Tudors, Henry VII, Henry VIII, and Mary I. Used predominantly in manor or country houses, this style combined brickwork with half-timbers, gables, and many chimneys and emphasized a domestic look inside.


words in context:Fine examples of the Tudorstyle are Hampton Court Palace and some colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. For private houses, think of sketches of Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway's home in Stratford-on-Avon.

After studying the definitions above, use these new words in the sentences below:


1 Patterned after the Roman style, these buildings were massive in size, had thick walls, and round arches, and the interiors were spare.


2 Based on Romanesque architecture, these churches and castles in the style were huge, sparsely decorated, and sometimes contained sculptures of grotesque animals and carved panels.


3 Brickwork, half-timbers, square mullioned windows, and many chimneys characterize the style of architecture.


4A central plan, domes, gold, ornament, and stylized figures characterize the style.



Test Yourself: Write the letter next to the number to match word and meaning.

1. Tudor a. do as the Romans do: spare interiors, massive size


2. Romanesque b. do as Will and Anne do: brick below, timber above


3. Byzantine c. do as Romanesque does, animal carvings


4.Norman d. do as the Greek and Oriental architects do



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