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WILL- подберите к английским клише соответствующие русские сочетания


What happens if I die without a will?

If you don't make a will or use some other legal method to transfer your property when you die, state law will determine what happens to your property. This process is called "intestate succession." Your property will be distributed to your spouse and children or, if you have neither, to other relatives according to a statutory formula. If no relatives can be found to inherit your property, it will go into your state's coffers*. Also, in the absence of a will, a court will determine who will care for your young children and their property if the other parent is unavailable or unfit.

Do I need a lawyer to make my will?

Probably not. Making a will rarely involves complicated legal rules, and most people can draft their own will with the aid of a good self-help book or software program. You just need to know what you own, whom you care about, and have a good self help resource to guide you.

/ don't have much property. Can't I just make a handwritten will?

Handwritten wills, called "holographic" wills, are legal in about 25 states. To be valid, a holographic will must be written, dated and signed in the handwriting of the person making the will. Some states allow you to use a fill-in-the-blanks form if the rest of the will is handwritten and the will is properly dated and signed.

If you have very little property, and you want to make just a few specific bequests, a holographic will is better than nothing if it's valid in your state. But generally, we don't recommend them. Unlike regular wills, holographic wills are not usually witnessed, so if your will goes before a probate court, the court may be unusually strict when examining it to be sure it's legitimate. It's better to take a little extra time to write a will that will easily pass muster when the time comes.

What makes a will legal?

Any adult of sound mind is entitled to make a will. Beyond that, there are just a few technical requirements:

• The will must be typewritten or computer generated (unless it is a valid handwritten will, as discussed above).

• The document must expressly state that it's your will.

• You must date and sign the will.

• The will must be signed by at least two, or in some states, three, witnesses. They must watch you sign the will, though they don't need to read it. Your witnesses must be people who won't inherit anything under the will.

You don't have to have your will notarized. In many states, though, if you and your witnesses sign an affidavit (sworn statement) before a notary public, you can help simplify the court procedures required to prove the validity of the will after you die.

Do I need to file my will with a court or in public records somewhere?

No. A will doesn't need to be recorded or filed with any government agency, although it can be in a few states. Just keep your will in a safe, accessible place and be sure the person in charge of winding up* your affairs (your executor) knows where it is.


it will go into your state's coffers - (имущество) отойдет в пользу вашего штата to wind up - улаживать, разрешать (вопрос), заниматься (делами)

Find in the text English equivalents of the following phrases:


составить завещание - 1

составить завещание - 2

собственноручно составленное завещание

наследование при отсутствии завещания

получить что-то позавещанию

подписывать в качестве свидетеля

суд по делам о завещаниях и наследствах


пройти проверку

WILL- подберите к английским клише соответствующие русские сочетания


acknowledgment of will волеизъявление; заявление о составлении завещания
to administer to a will взаимное завещание (супругов)
autograph will опекун по завещанию
bad will завещание, могущее стать предметом судебного спора
declaration of will оспариваемое завещание
disputable will завещание, не имеющее законной силы
disputed will официальное признание подлинности завещания завещателем под присягой
reciprocal will управлять наследством (в качестве душеприказчика)
guardian appointed by will собственноручно написанное завещание


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