

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

D. Describe on genetic basis the genotypes, and phenotypes of F1, and F2 generation on mating a bald man (homozygous) with normal-haired woman (homozygous).

A. Complete dominance, and lack of dominance in terms of the ration of phenotypes in F2

B. Test cross for the dihybrid individual in case of independent assortment, complete linkage, and incomplete linkage.

C. Free (non-linked) genes, complete linkage, and incomplete linkage.

D. X chromosome and Y chromosome.

E. The action of X chromosome, and that of Y chromosome.

Question no.4

Write a detailed note about:

A. Reasons of Mendel success in his experiments.

b. 1st. law of Mendel.

c. 2nd.law of Mendel.

D. Test cross.

E. Lack of dominance.

F. Complementary genes.

G. Lethal genes.

H. Multiple alleles.

I. Rhesus factor.

J. Linked genes.

K. Crossing over, and its importance.

L. The chromosomal maps.

M. Abnormal cases of sex determination in Humans.

N. Sex-linked inheritance.

O. Sex-influenced inheritance.

P. Inheritance and the environment.

Q. Sex determination in livings.

R. Barr body test.

Question no.5

Give reasons for:

A. Persons with blood group (AB) are said to be universal recipients.

B. Persons with blood group (O) are said to be universal donors.

C. Agglutination may occur due to blood transfusion.

D. Y chromosome in Humans is not essential for life.

E. Klinefelter male is always strile.

F. The belief that the mother is responsible for production of male babies is wrong.

G. Appearance of albinism on one of the offspring and its absence from the parents.

H. Inheritance of blood group in Man comprises complete dominance, lack of dominance, and multiple alleles.

I. Mendel chose Pea plants for his experiments.

J. The female passes the colour blindness to her sons.

K. The colour blind male passes this trait to his grandsons through his daughters.

L. Haemophiliac daughters acquire the disease from both parents.

M. Colour blindness rarely appears in females.

N. Haemophilia and colour blindness do not appear with the same degree in all diseased persons.

Question no.6

Various problems:

a. Red colour of eyes is a dominant sex-linked character in Drosophila. Describe on genetic basis the offspring resulted from mating between hybrid red-eyed female with:

- White-eyed male.

- Red-eyed male.

B. A strain of sparrow having black eyes due to the presence of a dominant sex-linked gene (G). Another strain having red eyes due to the presence of the recessive gene (g). Describe the resulted offspring from mating red-eyed male with black-eyed female in F1 and F2.

C. A normal-visioned female that her father was colour-blinded married to a normal-visioned male. Describe on genetic basis the ratio of genotypes, and phenotypes in their children.

d. Describe on genetic basis the genotypes, and phenotypes of F1, and F2 generation on mating a bald man (homozygous) with normal-haired woman (homozygous).

e. What causes the appearance of sickle-cell anaemia in Man? Explain the acquirement of this disease. Show by an example the resulting offspring from a marriage of a man carrying the gene of the disease, with a woman having the same genotype.

f. Two new-born babies were mixed up, the blood group of one was (A), and the second was (O). Determine on genetic basis the family of each of these babies if the blood groups of the parents in the two families were:

- The 1st. family: The husband (B), and the wife (B)

- The 2nd. family: The husband (B), and the wife (AB)

g. What are the colour of flowers in pea plants, if the following crossings took place:

- AAbb X aaBb.

- AaBB X Aabb

- AABb X AaBb


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