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Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

to leave school [li:v][sku:l] заканчиватьшколу
crucial   решающий
career   карьера
to go into business [gəu]['ɪntə]['bɪznɪs] занятьсябизнесом
ahugenumberof [hju:ʤ]['nʌmbə] огромное число (количество) чего-л.
to take one’s time [teɪk][wʌnz][taɪm] не спешить
dilemma [dɪ'lemə] дилемма, затруднительное положение
to follow smb.’s footsteps ['fɔləu]['futsteps] следовать по чьим-л. стопам
to persuade [pə'sweɪd] убеждать, уговаривать
to consider [kən'sɪdə] считать, полагать
patient (n, adj.) ['peɪʃ(ə)nt] пациент, больной; терпеливый
easygoing ['i:zɪˌgəuɪŋ] легко ладящий с людьми
smart [smɑːt] разумный, умный
prestigious [pres'tɪʤəs] престижный
noble ['nəubl] благородный, замечательный, выдающийся
attentive [ə'tentɪv] внимательный
honest ['ɔnɪst] честный
prudent ['pru:d(ə)nt] благоразумный, предусмотрительный
selfish ['selfɪʃ] эгоистичный
dishonest [dɪs'ɔnɪst] нечестный
to develop [dɪ'veləp] развивать, совершенствовать
tocomprehend [kɔmprɪ'hend] понимать, постигать, осмысливать
bachelor’sdegree ['bæʧ(ə)lə] степень бакалавра
post-graduate courses [pəust'græʤuət][kɔːsəs] зд. аспирантура
to graduate from ['græʤueɪt][frɔm] заканчивать вуз
AlmaMater [ælmə'meɪtə] альма-матер, университет, в котором обучался говорящий или тот, о ком идёт речь (букв.лат. «кормящая мать»)
tutor (n) ['tju:tə] преподаватель, руководитель группы (в университете)

Task 2.Find the following words and word-combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

1. leave school

2. to make the right choice

3. enter an institute

4. working career

5. a huge number of professions

6. make their choice

7. to follow their footsteps

8. hard work and personal life experience

9. to become a good doctor

10. I was good at

11. kind and attentive to people

12. every educated person

13. foreign colleges

14. international medical terminology

15. a diploma of a qualified specialist


Task 3.Answer the questions:

1. When do people understand that the time to choose future profession has already come?

2. What are the opportunities for school leavers?

3. Why should we take our time while choosing our future profession?

4. Do all teenagers choose their future professions in their own way?

5. Why do some parents persuade their kids to enter local colleges and universities or institutes?

6. What should we consider to make the right choice of profession?

7. How can we characterise a good doctor?

8. Why do we study foreign languages at universities? How can they help us?

9. How long should a person study to get a diploma of a qualified specialist?

10. What are the career opportunities?



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