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The Sole Proprietor

The different types of business organisation can be found in the UK and Sole Proprietor is one of them.

This is the simplest and the oldest form of business enterprise and often referred to as the one- person business. A single person provides the capital, takes the decisions, and assumes the risks. He or she is solely responsible for the suc­cess or failure of the business and has, therefore, the sole rights to such profits as may be made, or, alternatively, bears the sole responsibility for such losses as may accrue. The one-person business is still far more numerous than any other types of business organization, but in terms of total output employment, value of capital employed, or value of total output, it is relatively unimportant compared with the joint stock company.

The strength of this type of firm lies in the direct per­sonal interest of the proprietor in the efficiency of his enterprise. Ownership and control are vested in one person who enjoys all the fruits of success and hence has a great incentive to run the firm efficiently. Since the proprietor is the sole decision — taker and has no need to consult col­leagues when changes of policy are required we should expect this type of organisation to be extremely flexible and capable of quick and easy adjustment to changes in market conditions.

The great disadvantage of the sole proprietor from an enterprise lies in the fact that the owner is personally liable for the debts incurred by his firm and his liability is unlimit­ed. All his personal possessions are at risk and may be seized to meet creditors demands in the event of the business becoming insolvent. Another disadvantage of this type of firm is the strict limitation of its ability to acquire capital for expansion. Finance is restricted to the amounts which the entrepreneur is able to provide from his own resources and whatever sums he can borrow on his own security.

We find the one-person business prevalent in farming, retailing, building, repair and maintenance work, and per­sonal services such as hairdressing.

Письмо-предложение ( Offer)

Письмом-предложением поставщик (the Supplier) обычно отвечает на письмо-запрос. Отвечая на общий запрос, он благодарит за проявленный интерес и обычно прилагает прейскуранты (price-lists), каталоги (catalogues) или условия типового договора (Typical Contract). Ответ на специальный запрос предусматривает ответы на все вопросы потенциального клиента.

Структура письма-предложения:

1.Повод написания.

2.Ответы на вопросы потенциального заказчика.

3.Дополнительные предложения.

4.Выражение надежды на заказ.

Отвечая на вопросы, следует дать точное описание товара, по возможности сопроводить его фотоматериалами и/или рисунками и/или образцами (samples). При определении цены (price) учитываются возможные скидки (discounts). Отдельно решаются вопросы расходов на упаковку (packing), транспортных расходов (transportation costs), условий поставки (terms of delivery) и оплаты (terms of payment).

Письма-предложения посылают также без предшествующего запроса, если поставщик желает привлечь внимание потенциаль­ных клиентов или найти новых заказчиков на конкретные продукты (special products) или их ассортимент (range). Твердое предложение (firm offer) предусматривает особые условия, напри­мер, конечный срок (deadline) получения заказа и систему скидок в зависимости от количества товара и других условий.

Образец письма-предложения(Sample Letter of Offer)

Mr. Fred North Purchasing Manager Broadway Autos November 11, 19__ Dear Mr. North,   Thank you very much for your enquiry. We are of course very famil­iar with your range of vehicles and are pleased to inform you that we have a new line of batteries that fit your specifications exactly. The most suitable of our products for your requirements is the Artemis 66A Plus. This product combines economy, high power out­put and quick charging time and is now in stock. I enclose a detailed quotation, specifications and delivery terms. As you will see from this, our prices are very competitive. I have arranged for our agent Mr. Martin of Fillmore S.A. to deliver five of these bat­teries to you next week, so that you can carry out the laboratory tests. Our own laboratory reports, enclosed with this letter, show that our new Artemis 66A Plus performs as well as any of our competitor's product and, in some respects, outperforms them. If you would like further information, please telephone or telex me: my extension number is 776. Or you may prefer to contact Mr. John Martin of Fillmore S.A. in M_________: his telephone number is 01 77 99 02. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, F.Stock Fred Stock

Клише и выражения письма-предложения:

К n.1:

We were pleased to learn your interest in... — Нам было приятно узнать о Вашей заинтересованности в ...

We are most pleased that you want to buy... — Мы очень доволь­ны, что вы пожелали купить ...

We are glad to say that we can reserve you ... — Мы рады сообщить, что можем оставить за вами ...

It is good of you to take so much interest in our work ... — Было очень любезно с Вашей стороны проявить такой интерес к нашей работе ...

We take pleasure in sending you the desired samples and offer... — С удовольствием посылаем выбранные вами образцы и предлагаем ...

As to your inquiry of... we are informing you that... — На Ваш запрос от... мы сообщаем Вам, что ...

К n. 2:

We enclose our catalogue with the latest price-list. — Мы прилагаем наш каталог с новейшим прейскурантом.

Our detailed catalogue will demonstrate the wide range of our products. — Наш подробный прейскурант убедит вас в разнообразии нашего ассортимента.

Our proposal is valid till... — Наше предложение действительно до...

We deliver our goods on CIF terms. — Мы поставляем на условиях СИФ(Стоимость, страхование, фрахт)

The price covers packing and transportation expenses. — Цена включает упаковку и транспортные расходы.

We can give you a 5 per cent discount. — Мы можем предоставить вам 5 % скидку.

As you can see from our price-list, our prices are at least 3 % lower than market prices. — Как видно из нашего прейскуранта, наши цены по крайней мере на 3% ниже рыночных.

К n. 3:

I especially call your attention to... — Я особенно обращаю ваше внимание на...

Besides the above mentioned goods our company also produces (see ...) — Кроме упомянутых выше товаров наша фирма производит также (см. ...)

The model... will meet most of your requirements. — Для ваших
целей вам лучше всего подойдет модель ...

К n. 4:

We ask you to consider our proposal once more and let us know if we can expect your order. — Мы просим вас еще раз обсудить наше предложение и сообщить нам, можно ли рассчитывать на получение заказа.

I encourage you to order as soon as possible as the quantity of this product available at our warehouse is limited. — Я прошу вас быстрее оформить заказ, так как количество этого товара на складе ограничено.

We would appreciate if we get the order from you as soon as possible. — Мы были бы очень рады получить от вас заказ как можно скорее.

If you are not happy with our proposal please let us know why. — Если вас не устраивает наше предложение, просим сообщить нам о причине.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. — С нетерпением ждем ответа.


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