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Equipment of processing of hands. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Methodical references for practical lesson Subject:Measurement blood pressure, pulse. Equipment of processing of hands. Introduction of medicines intramuscularly, hypodermically. Specialty: 051301 - General medicine Course: 2 Almaty, 2012y. Measurement blood pressure, pulse. Equipment of processing of hands. Introduction of medicines intramuscularly, hypodermically. Purpose: Working off of practical skills on urgent medicine.
Problems of training: - Working off of practical skills by pulse definition, pressure measurement. - Mastering by equipment of processing of hands. - Equipment of statement and intradermal injections. - Equipment of statement of intramuscular injections.
Main questions of a subject: - Pressure measurement. - Pulse definition. - Mastering by equipment of processing of hands. - Equipment of statement and intradermal injections. - Equipment of statement of intramuscular injections.
Pressure measurement. 1. The cuff of a tonometer should be at heart level (the breast middle). А finger should pass a between cuff and a hand. The cuff should cover less than 80 % of a circle of a shoulder and not less than 40 % of length of a shoulder. Probably (but cuff imposing on a sleeve from a fine fabric if it doesn't prevent to carry out measurement isn't recommended). 2. A membrane of a phonendoscope place on a point of a pulsation of a humeral artery (roughly in medial area of an elbow pole). 3. Quickly pump up air in a cuff by means of a pear (don't forget to close previously the valve (gate) of a pear that air didn't leave back). To pump up to level on 20-40 mm exceeding systolic pressure (expected) or before pulse disappearance on a beam artery. 4. Slowly let the air out from a cuff (by means of the valve). The first heard blow (a sound, tone) corresponds to value of systolic (top) pressure. Level of the termination of tones corresponds to diastolic (bottom) pressure. If tones are very weak, it is necessary to raise a hand, several times to bend and unbend it and to repeat measurement. 5. Normal level of pressure: 120/80 mm of mercury for adults.
Pulse definition. The most exact values can be received if to count up pulse within 1 minute. However it isn't obligatory. It is possible to consider blows within 15 seconds and then to multiply on 4. The average healthy person has a normal pulse in rest.
Equipment of processing of hands. 1. Rub one palm about other palm. 2. The right palm to pound a back surface of the left brush, to change hands. 3. Connect fingers of one hand in interfingers intervals another, to rub internal surfaces of fingers movements up and down. 4. Connect fingers in "lock", the back part of the bent fingers to pound a palm of other hand. 5. Capture the basis of a thumb of the left brush between big and index fingers of the right brush, a rotary friction. Repeat on a wrist. Change hands. 6. Roundabout to rub the palm of the left brush finger-tips of the right hand. Change hands.