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Acute Tonsillitis

Acute tonsillitis is a systemic infection characterized by an acute inflammatory process, it may have drastic effect on many vital organs of the body.

Acute tonsillitis may be due to different bacteria. The most common cause is the haemolytic streptococcus. Its highest, incidence is between October and March. Care must be taken to prevent spread of infection. In the early stages it may be difficult to differentiate from diphtheria, and if there is any doubt as to diagnosis, a throat swab must be taken to determine the infecting organism. Acute tonsillitis is caused by the contact with infectious patients, through articles. The child may carry a dormant infection in his decayed teeth or chronically inflamed tonsils. And when his body is weakened or he is subjected to prolonged chilling he falls ill.

Protection against tonsillitis includes elimination of factors that lower resistance to disease. An important factor in the prevention of tonsillitis is the protection of healthy children against exposure to it and as well as to other diseases, such as upper respiratory catarrhs, grippe, colds.

There are several forms of acute tonsillitis, depending on the nature of the lesion: catarrhal, follicular and lacunar tonsillitis.

The onset of tonsillitis is usually sudden with malaise, pain on swallowing, a sensation of chilliness, .fever, impaired sleep and appetite. On examination one or both tonsils are found to be enlarged and covered with whitish or grey material.

This material or exudate consists of purulent discharge from the tonsil. The inflammatory process is seldom restricted to the tonsils, and the whole of the throat is reddened and inflamed. The tongue is covered with a thick fur, and the breath has often an unpleasant odour. There is sometimes pain in the ear on the affected side, it may lead to infection of the ear with serious consequences.

The most frequent complications of acute tonsillitis are rheumatic fever and kidney trouble. A condition called chronic tonsillitis may develop following recurrent .attacks of acute tonsillitis.

A sick child must be put to bed immediately. Particular care should be taken to give the child a lot of vitamins, the patient's food must be soft and warm. The children have to gargle their throats with a solution of salt, soda and boric acid. Vapour inhalations through the mouth are sometimes comforting. Warm compresses to swollen lymph nodes are useful. The drugs usually prescribed for acute tonsillitis are streptocide (sulfanilamide) or other sulfonamides. The child is given drugs to bring the t°down.

Chronic tonsillitis is treated by irrigating the tonsils with various preparations or exposing them to ultraviolet rays. The tonsils may be removed surgically if treatment is of no avail.


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