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Причастие и герундий.

Согласный звук [w]. При произнесении губы округлены и значительно выдвинуты вперед, а задняя часть языка занимает примерно такое же положение, как при произнесении русского [у]. Струя выдыхаемого воздуха с силой проходит через образованную между губами круглую щель. Губы энергично раздвигаются.

Согласный звук [h]. При произнесении согласного задняя спина языка смыкается с опущенным мягким нёбом, и воздух проходит через носовую полость.

Exercise A what — why — where whip — wheat — while Exercise С wall — wallet — walk walnut — waltz — won
Exercise В war — wharf — water wedding — wage — wait waitress — waist — waste weather — woman — wind Exercise D wing — king — sting sing — nothing — something everything — anything — ring


Education after 16 is voluntary in United Kingdom. Students, who live in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland must take at the age of 16 the examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). In Scotland students receive the Scottish Certificate of Education. After this exam students can choose to stay on in school or attend colleges of further education.

British universities are self-governing and are guaranteed academic independence. Funding for education and research is provided by funding councils set up by Parliament. The number of universities jumped in 1992 when polytechnics and some other higher education establishments were given the right to become universities. By the end of 1994, there were some 90 universities, almost half of them former polytechnics, including the Open University.

Many of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge universities were founded in the 12th and 13th centuries. All other universities in Britain were founded in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Open University, based in Milton Keynes, England, was founded in 1969. It uses extension techniques of correspondence courses, television and radio programmes, and video cassettes, supported by local study centres and summer schools, to provide higher education opportunities to a wide variety of people.

During the 1960s there was a significant increase in the number of new universities,reflecting a fast growth in student numbers. During the 1980s, an expansion in higher education places led to another large jump in student numbers. In the 1992-1993 academic year there were more than 1,4 million students in full or part-time higher education in Great Britain, compared with just under 850,000 adecade earlier. About one quarter of young people are in higher education in England, Wales, and Scotland; one third in Northern Ireland. About 90 per cent of students get state grants to covertuition feesand living costs.

The size of the grant is determined by parents income. Since the late 1980s, however, grants have been frozen; students can apply for astudent loan.


voluntary — добровольное

attend — посещать

self-governing — самоуправляемый

funding — финансирование

funding councils — советы по финансированию

to set up — основывать

significant — значительный

polytechnics — политехнические институты

extension techniques — технологии дистанционно­го образования

to reflect — отражать

decade — десятилетие

state grants — государственные гарантии

tuition fee — плата за обучение

parents income — доход родителей

student loan — студенческий заём


a) high-school diploma — школьный аттестат

graduation ceremony — выпускной экзамен

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) — бакалавр естественных наук

Bachelor of Art (B.A.) — бакалавр гуманитарных наук

Master of Art (M.A.) — магистр искусств

Master of Science (M.S.) — магистр естественных наук

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) — доктор философии

undergraduate student — студент 1-4(5) курсов

graduate student — студент 5-6 курсов

graduate school of robotics — магистратура (аспирантура) по специальности робототехника

b) room (lodging) and board — проживание и питание

personal expenses — личные расходы

books and supplies — книги и материалы

to be eligible for admission — быть подходящей кандидатурой для поступления

to enrol — зачислять

enrollment — зачисление

admissions office — приемная комиссия

student services office — департамент по работе со студентами

university bursar's (казначей)office — бухгалтерия университета (офис казначея)

Exercise 8.1. Translate into English:

1) В возрасте 16 лет каждый житель Великобритании обязан сдать экзамены на получение Сертификата о среднем образовании.

2) Британские университеты являются полностью самоуправляемыми.

3) В 1992 году Политехническим институтам была предоставлено право стать университетами.

4) Открытый университет, широко известный своими технологиями дистанционного обучения, был основан в 1969 году.

5) В 60-е годы в Соединенном королевстве наметился значительный рост числа университетов.

6) Размер гранта на обучение определяется исходя из дохода родителей.




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