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Unit III. Branches of Geology

Focus on:

1. интернациональная и терминологическая лексика


2. образование мн. ч. некоторых существительных:

o stratum – strata

3. словообразовательные префиксы («sub», etc)


4. образование частей речи путем переноса ударения (конверсия)

o récord – to recόrd


5. инфинитив цели (причины)


6. языковые трансформации (продолжение): причастные обороты и придаточные определительные предложения


Text Study


We study our Earth for many reasons: to find water to drink or oil to run our cars or coal to heat our homes, or to predict earthquakes landslides or floods, and to try to understand our natural surroundings.

Geology may be divided into physical geology and historical geology.

Physical geology deals with the materials of the Earth, earth crust movements, the structure of the Earth and various processes and agencies, such as weather, wind, streams, glaciers, sea, organisms, volcanoes, earthquakes, subterranean water, etc.

Historical geology is the branch of geologic science that relates to past history of the earth. Earth is not stable – nothing on its surface is permanent. Thus to understand the world – we live in, we must study Earth’s history. We study Earth’s history by studying the record of past events that is preserved in the rocks. The layers of the rocks are the pages in our history book.

Rock layers are also called strata and the science that treats of these layered rocks is referred to as stratigraphy.

To tell the age of most layered rocks scientists study the fossils these rocks contain. Fossils are the remains of once-living organisms.

Today the animals and plants that live in the ocean are very different from those that live on land and the animals and plants that live in one part of the ocean or on one part of the land are very different from those in other parts. Similarly, fossils, animals and plants from different environments are different. Scientists must study the fossil from a variety of environments to build a complete picture of the animals and plants that live in the past. The science that studies fossil remains is called paleontology.



Просмотрите текст. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям:

по многим причинам; ожидать землетрясения; предсказывать оползни и наводнения; природное окружение (среда); постоянно изменяться; геологическая летопись событий; сохраняться в породах; ископаемые остатки когда-то живших организмов; отличаться от; аналогично; целостная картина.


Дайте русские эквиваленты:

subterranean water; to predict earthquakes; to expect landslides; natural environments; different surroundings; permanent structures; the record of past events; layered rocks; rock strata; fossil remains; to be preserved; to be referred to as; to differ from; to relate to past history.



Подберите синонимичные пары слов:

1. to treat off 2. to be called 3. constantly 4. surrounding 5. remains 6. layers 7. various 8. layer 9. difference 10. to differ 1. to be referred as 2. permanently 3. fossils 4. strata 5. different 6. environments 7. to deal with 8. stratum 9. to vary 10. variety


1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 –



Дополните предложение нужной формой слова:

stratum – strata – stratified – stratigraphy

1. Rock layer is also called rock …

2. The layered rocks are called … rocks

3. The science that studies rock … is called …



Дайте русские эквиваленты:

subterranean, subtropical, submarine, subdivision, subgroup.




Соедините два предложения в одно, используя союз «that», или причастный оборот.

1. Scientists study the fossils. These fossils are contained in rocks.

2. Animals and plants live in various environments. These environments are different.

3. We study Earth history by studying past events. These events are recorded in the rocks.




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