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Заполните пропуски соответствующими по смыслу словами из колонки справа.


The lithosphere ______ of solid, rocky material. It ______ by far the greatest portion of the Earth, ______ not only the lands, but ______ rocky material ______ the oceans. The lithosphere is of supreme importance to the geologists ______ the ______ of the wonderful events of the earth’s history are ______ in the rocks. under also records constitutes recorded including because consists


The partial envelope ______ all the waters ______ and ______ the earth’s surface is called the hydrosphere. ______ of the waters ______ are in the oceans, ______ streams, lakes and ______ waters are also important. Water is one of the greatest of all geological ______. most but comprising by far but agencies on underground near


The gaseous ______ of the Earth is called ______. The chief ______ of the air are nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour and carbon dioxide. ______ of the atmosphere cause important ______ of the lands and make possible ______ (rainfall and snowfall). constituents movements envelope atmosphere modifications precipitations



Выберите эквивалент подчеркнутому слову.

1. The lithosphere makes up about 29% of the earth’s surface.

a. deposits

b. penetrates

c. effects

d. builds

2. The hydrosphere is composed of salt water, fresh water, ice and snow.

a. consists of

b. deals with

c. results in

d. is concerned with

3. Ocean waters contain many minerals.

a. envelop

b. influence

c. include

d. complete

4. The earth consists of three quite different parts: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere.

a. is included

b. is formed

c. constitutes

d. builds up

5. Almost all rocks include two or more minerals.

a. change

b. constitute

c. increase

d. comprise

6. Ocean waters contain many elements.

a. consist

b. constitute

c. form

d. include

7. Magma comprises large quantities of both oxygen and hydrogen.

a. forms

b. constitutes

c. contains

d. occurs

8. The waters of the Earth include the waters of oceans, lakes and streams.

a. occur

b. comprise

c. divide

d. modify



Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных:


a) stratum

b) strata

c) stratification

d) stratified

e) stratigraphy

1. One of the most distinctive features in sedimentary rocks is that they are ______.

2. The thinnest layer of a ______ rock form lamina.

3. A number of lamina may be united in a ______ or bed, which may vary in thickness.

4. The study of the relation of layers to each other is called ______.

5. The deposits made directly by the ice are characterized by an absence of ______.

6. Stratigraphy studies the relation of ______ to each other.

1– 3– 5–
2– 4– 6–



a) origin

b) original

c) originally

d) originate

1. As a result of changes of level sedimentary rocks which were ______ deposited in the ocean now form parts of the continents.

2. In some places the soil is mainly of organic ______.

3. Most earthquakes ______ beneath the sea.

4. Some rocks change their ______ qualities under high tº and pressure.

5. There are many minerals which ______ deep in the earth and are unstable under surface conditions.

1– 3– 5–
2– 4– 6–




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