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Assignments. I. Match the following English and Ukrainian words and phrases: word processor великі оформлювальні та графічні можливості to edit

I. Match the following English and Ukrainian words and phrases:

word processor великі оформлювальні та графічні можливості
to edit настільне видавництво
photocopier багатоцільовий
Desk-Top Publishing редагувати, переробляти, вносити корективи
extensive layout and graphic facilities пристрій для електронної обробки тексту, текстовий редактор
versatile фотокопіювальний пристрій
backing storage пошук
repeated reference to information самописець
to feed into a machine пристрій, для перегляду плівок, дисків
recorder неодноразове посилання на інформацію
viewer уводити дані в машину
retrieval зовнішня пам’ять


II. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalent of the phrases below:

stand alone word processor; dedicated word processor; general purpose micro-computer; word processing program; software; to manipulate; miniature printing system; developments; high quality graphics software; to relocate text and diagrams round a page; output on microform; roll film; to pass through a scanner; to translate into digital form; digitised image; reference and archive material; electronic reference manual; to call onto the screen; to check flight times and availabilities; to book seats.


III. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text:

текстовий редактор, призначений для спеціальних цілей; електронний довідник; обробляти; розробки; забезпечення; цифрове зображення; пропустити крізь сканер; довідковий та архівний матеріал; переводити у цифрову форму.


IV. Answer the questions:

1. What are the three main “areas” of IT application in information systems?

2. What main developments could be described as office support systems?

3. What is the purpose of word processor? How does it work?

4. What is DTP?

5. What are the two types of COM?

6. How can data be recorded onto microform and seen?

7. What data storage facilities are used for current operations?

8. What data storage facilities are used where there is the need for repeated reference to information?

9. What is DIP? How does it work?

10. What are the advantages of DIP systems?

11. Distinguish between teletext and viewdata.

12. What viewdata service is provided by British Telecom?

13. Give examples of private viewdata systems.


Some of the more important facilities which can be classed under the general heading of telecommunications are telex, electronic mail, voice mail, networks, tele-conferencing, data/facsimile transmission and electronic data interchange (EDI).


This old slow communication system is used by over one million installations in the world. It will still have an important part to play in the first few years of the electronic office, before replacement sys­tems take over.

The message is typed on screen (or on paper tape on older machines). When ready it is trans­mitted to a receiving terminal which answers back, confirms the receipt of the message.

Electronic Mail (E-Mail)

This is a system in which messages are communicated by electronic means rather than by paper based communication. Messages are displayed on a desk top terminal and incoming and outgoing messages are filed electronically, if required. Obviously there is a considerable time saving and there is the safeguard of certain delivery. A form of electronic mailing, the telex is less flexible than the newer systems for internal purposes. Electronic mail facilities are increasingly being combined with computing, word processing and telephone capabilities in one integrated work station.

A development of e-mail is where the sender transmits the message over the telephone network to a central computer which allocates disk storage to act as an electronic mail box for each user. Using a password for security purposes the user can then collect the message when required.

Voice Mail

These systems enable the caller’s spoken message to be recorded in a ‘voice mail box’. This can then be accessed by telephone by the user, say a representative or service engi­neer in the field. The main advantage is cheapness but the system does not allow two-way conversations which are, of course, possible using mobile telephones or radio links.


Networks are communication systems which link together computers, storage devices, word processors, printers and even the telephone system of the firm. Within the one organisation, especially on one site, networks are known as Local Area Networks (LAN).

The key feature of a LAN is that the systems are linked by direct cables rather than by general telecommunication lines. In consequence LANs do not need modems. A modem is a device to convert digital signals, as used in computers, to analogue or wave form signals used in the telephone network.

When networks are extended they are known as Wide Area Networks (WANs). WANs are usually larger than LANs, cover a wider geographic area and use the general telecommunications network. They thus require modems between the terminals and computers and the telephone lines.

Finally, mention should be made of Internet, the global information network sometimes called the ‘information superhighway’. With suitably powerful work stations information complete with sound and video pictures can be accessed. At a more basic level anyone with a personal computer, a modem and a subscription to one of the many subscription services can access an enormous range of social, current affairs and reference information available on Internet and can use the world-wide E-mail facility.

The most important part of the Internet as far as most business users are concerned is called the World Wide Web. The Web is the multi-media publishing side of the Internet. Web sites are interactive documents or ‘pages’ which can be called up on a computer screen and can utilise print, pictures, graphics, sound and moving images. By accessing the unique web address, users can find information about companies, products, services and even individuals.


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