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From : Kate Goldrick (Head of Business Law Dept.)

To: [ ]

Premium Tours Limited (Formerly Golden Tours Limited)


Thank you for doing such a good job [1]__________preparing the necessary company documentation for this client company. In order to complete the job we now need to think [2]_________ the remaining post-meeting matters requiring to be dealt [3]____________. In particular, it is now necessary to:

• Update the company’s Register of Directors [4]______ the appointment of David Kent as a director;

• Notify the Registrar of Companies of David Kent appointment to the board [5]_________ completing a Form 288a and forwarding it to the Registrar of Companies within 14 days.

• Notify the Registrar of Companies of the change of company name [6]______ Golden Tours Limited to Premium Tours Limited by completing and sending a Form NC 20 before the time-limit of 15 days for doing so expires.


The change of company name will not take effect until the Registrar issues an amended Certificate of Incorporation showing the change of name [7]__ Premium Tours Limited. [8]____________that date the company will be legally recognised as Premium Tours Limited.


Jacqueline Hanratty


VII. Role-play the board and shareholders’ meetings. One person should play the role of the chairman, the other person playing the role of the other director, namely Tony Randel. A third person can play the role of Susan Greenfield, the Company Secretary, and make notes on what is discussed at the meeting.


VIII. Answer the questions:

1. What is meant by a unanimous agreement?

2. Name another term meaning the same as shareholder.

3. In the text above concerning shareholders’ meeting what is meant by a ‘deadlock’?

4. What is a casting vote?

5. Is it illegal to be a director of a company without also being a shareholder of the company?

6. What is the minimum notice period normally required in order to convene an extraordinary general meeting?

7. What minimum notice period will be required to convene the EGM?

8. At the foot of the notice calling the EGM there is a clause intimating that a shareholder is entitled to appoint a proxy. What do you think is meant by a proxy?


IX. Memorise the procedure for convening director’s and shareholders’ meetings

• Call board (i. e. directors’) meeting – any director can call on reasonable notice

• Ensure quorum present and hold board meeting – propose resolutions required, vote on resolutions, adjourn meeting and finalise minutes of meeting

• Call extraordinary general meeting – notice required is normally 14 days or 21 days if SR on agenda

• Ensure quorum present and hold extraordinary general meeting (EGM) – pass resolutions, close meeting and finalise minutes

• ‘Present’ in the minutes refers to those in attendance and entitled to vote whereas ‘In Attendance’ refers to those present but with no such right to vote

• Re-convene board meeting ─ report result of voting on resolutions at EGM and close meeting

• Complete post-meeting documentation.


X. Translate into English:

1. На зборах акціонерів мають бути присутніми директори компанії та акціонери.

2. Збори скликають для ухвалення рішень стосовно діяльності компанії (зміни акціонерного капіталу, зміна назви компанії).

3. Тільки акціонери мають право голосувати (включаючи директорів, які є також акціонерами).

4. Більшість, необхідна для ухвалення рішення, залежить від типу рішення: прості рішення потребують 50% + 1 поданих голосів; особливі рішення потребують 75% поданих голосів.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-13; просмотров: 173; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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