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Assignments. I. Memorise the following words and phrases: statutory right законне право to dismiss звільняти з роботи eligible прийнятний;

I. Memorise the following words and phrases:

statutory right законне право
to dismiss звільняти з роботи
eligible прийнятний; той, що має право
to pursue порушувати (позов)
disability неспроможність
to issue a claim виставляти претензію
Employment Tribunal суд з трудових справ (Великобританія)
conduct поведінка
capability здібність, придатність
ability кваліфікація
redundancy скорочення штатів
to contend наполягати, доводити
demotion пониження на посаді
to make a finding робити висновок
claimant позивач


II. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents of the phrases below:

to be unfairly dismissed from employment; unfair dismissal claim; to be eligible to pursue an unfair dismissal claim: to issue a claim for unfair dismissal; dismissal claim; to be dismissed for a legally acceptable reason; dismissal on the ground of conduct; written warning; to adopt a fair procedure in the course of dismissal; right of appeal; to be empowered to award damages for losses; loss of earnings;


III. Listed in column 1 below are the first parts or six complete sentences, complete the sen­tences by matching each part with its corresponding final part in column 2.

1.Section 94 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 provides a) within three months.
2.An employee normally requires one year's service b) investigate the circumstances.
3.An unfair dismissal claim must be issued c) to be eligible to claim unfair dismissal.
4.An unfair dismissal claim is heard at d) state his case when considering dismissal.
5.An employer should permit an employee to e) the legal right not to be unfairly dismissed.
6.An employer suspecting misconduct should f) an Employment Tribunal.


IV. Answer the questions:

1. What period of service is required for an employee to be eligible to pursue an unfair dismissal claim?

2. When must an unfair dismissal claim be issued?

3. Where is an unfair dismissal claim heard?

4. What are the legally acceptable reasons for dismissal?

5. What alternative possibilities opposed to dismissal can be considered by the employer?

6. What dismissal is considered to be unfair?

7. What is mean by ‘to adopt a fair procedure in the course of dismissal’?

8. What is an Employment Tribunal empowered to award?


V. Translate into English:

1. Кожен громадянин захищений законом від несправедливого звільнення з роботи.

2. Працівник повинен пропрацювати рік, щоб мати право висувати претензію про несправедливе звільнення з роботи.

3. Розглядаючи питання про звільнення працівника, роботодавець повинен дозволити йому викласти свої обставини.

4. Суд трудових справ уповноважений присуджувати відшкодування збитків позивачеві.



Дата добавления: 2014-11-13; просмотров: 176; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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