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Written warning

a I understand from Patrick Standish that you were rude when dealing with a customer. I must emphasize that I shall not hesitate to take disciplinary action against you in the event of any recurrence.

b Despite my instructions to the contrary, you are failing to arrive punctually for work. I find it annoying and disappointing that I should be required to write this. Please understand that if this continues it will certainly result in disciplinary action being taken against you.

c Despite specific office instructions to the contrary, some of you are failing to switch off your computer equipment before leaving the office at the end of the day. Quite apart from aspects of security, such careless habits reflect badly on the department as a whole, and the individuals concerned in particular.

d I wish to draw your attention to the manner in which you are currently dealing with your responsibilities.

eI must emphasize that this is just not acceptable, and I require you to bring about an immediate and marked improvement in your attitude.

f Since I have heard nothing from you, I am forced to assume that there are no reasons for this delay ─ and I find this most disappointing. Please ensure that the completed document is with me by Monday morning.


I. Memorise the following words and phrases:

warning попередження
extract уривок
housekeeping адміністративно-господарська робота
rudeness грубість, нечемність, невихованість
to emphasize підкреслювати, надавати особливого значеня
recurrence повторення чогось
despite незважаючи на
annoying прикрий
disappointing невтішний; що викликає розчарування


II. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents of the phrases below:

to make clear; it is not acceptable; to fail to arrive punctually for work; to remind; to be disappointed; the deadline came and went; to be rude when dealing with a customer; to take disciplinary action against smb; in the event of any recurrence; to bring about an improvement in your attitude; to make sure; to the contrary; to fail to switch off computer equipment; I am not satisfied with your work; to draw attention; to deal with smb’s responsibilities;


III. Find English equivalents to the following phrases:


привертати увагу; переконатись у чомусь; покращити відношення; відноситися до своїх обов’язків; у разі повторення; ужити дисциплінарні заходи проти когось; пояснювати; навпаки.



Дата добавления: 2014-11-13; просмотров: 184; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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