АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
List of Key Words in the Media
active trading advance ageism anchor a news programme anchorman anchorperson anchorwoman applause art film art house art house film art house movie art movie article artist artist artiste arts backstage bad reviews bean-counter bear market bearish bears benefits bestseller bestseller list bit-part blockbuster blockbuster blue chip blue chip stocks bomb bonds boo boom bourse box office brisk broadcast broadcast broadcaster brokers bull market bullish bulls bumpy cameo role captains of industry carry an article cast change hands cheer choppy circulation city clapping clip columnist commodities commute commuter commuting correspondent critic critical acclaim cult film cult movie currencies dealers debut disaster disc jockey (DJ) discriminate discrimination dismiss dismissal downturn dramatic footage ecstatic edit editor editor editorial electronic media encore entertainer entertainment entrepreneur equities extra faction failure fiction film buff fire first night Fleet Street story flexible working hours flexitime flextime flop footage foreign exchange frantic frenetic frenzied fringe benefits front a news programme gain ground genre ghost ghost writer ghost-write gilt-edge stocks gilt-edged securities gilts give someone the sack gross gross receipts ground growth gutter press hack hardback headhunt headhunter heavy heckle heckler hectic hesitant hesitant high roller high-brow hit hit host host a programme host a show hype up by media impresario invest investment investors job-sharing journalist journo lackluster lead leader leader writer leading actor leading actress leading article leading part leading role light listed literary agent literary critic literary editor literary prize literati live broadcast lose ground low-brow magnate make gains market mass media media media analyst media attention media campaign media circus media correspondent media coverage media empire media exposure media guru media hype media magnate media mogul media pundit media tycoon megastar mere entertainment middle-brow mixed mixed reviews moderate trading mogul negligible nerd news gatherer news media newscaster newsreader nine-to-five job notice number cruncher opening night ovation package panned by the critics paperback part-time perform performance performer performing arts perks pick up pick-up piece play the stock popular press premiere press preview print media prize winner programme show publication publish publisher pure entertainment quality press quiet quoted racial discrimination rally rapturous rapturous applause rave reviews readership recession recording recorded recover recover recovery recovery regain ground regain lost rehearsal rehearsal dress rehearse report reporter review review review reviewer revival role royalties run an article sack savaged by the critics scathing sexual discrimination sexual harassment sexually harassed shareholders shares shares stocks sheer entertainment show show business showbiz sleeper slow slow down slowdown sluggish slump smash sneak preview speculate speculation speculator stage fright standing ovation star starlet stinking stock exchange stock market stocks success sue supporting actor supporting role tabloid broadsheet tabloid press take talking heads techno-nerd telecommuter telecommuting telecottage teleworker thin thunderous applause trade traders trading tribunal tumultuous applause turkey turn down turn up turnover TV crew tycoon uncertain unfair dismissal unflattening upturn visual arts vox-pop interview Wall Street weak weaken whizz-kid wings yuppy