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Unit 4. Restaurant. Staff

Reservations Present Simple

New words and useful expressions:

chef, head chef, chef de cuisine— шеф-повар

cook— повар

manager— управляющий

waiter— официант

head waiter— администратор

wine waiter— сомелье

waitress— официантка

in advance/beforehand— заблаговременно

to book a room— забронировать номер

to reserve a table— заказать столик

to work in shifts— работать посменно

What date/day/time?— На какое число/день/время?

When for?- Когда?

How many for?— На сколько персон?

Your name, please.— Ваше имя, пожалуйста.

Could I have your name, please?— Вы не могли бы назвать ваше имя?

Pd like to speak to the manager.— Я бы хотел поговорить с управляющим.

What kind of room would you like?— Какую комнату вы бы хоте­ли?

Would you like to sit closer to the band/entrance/window?— Вы хотите сидеть ближе к оркестру/входу/окну?

How long are you going to stay? How long will you be staying?— На сколько вы хотите остановиться?

When are you going to come/arrive?— Когда вы прибудете?

We'll hold the room until...— Мы подержим комнату до...





Match the question with the answer


a. tonight. b. at 8 p.m. с a single. d. closer to the band. e. next Monday. f. for a week. g. for 8 persons, h. Mrs Mew. i. Yes, please, if possible.

1. What kind of room would you like?

2. How many for?

3. When for?

4. When are you going to come?

5. Your name, please?

6. Where would you like to sit?

7. How long are you going to stay?

8. Would you like to reserve a table?

9. What time?

Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.

a) a. □ — My name is Doorway.

b. □ — Yes, sure. How many for?

с □ — I'd like a table for three.

d. □ — That's OK, a table for 3 at 7 p.m. And could I have your
name, please?

e. □ — Good evening. "Jolly dolls". How can I help you?

f. □ — At 7 o'clock, if possible.

g. □ — Thank you, Mrs Doorway. Goodbye. See you tonight,
h. □ — A table for 3? Well, what time would you like?

i. □ — Good evening, could I reserve a table for tonight?

b) a. □ — You are welcome.

b. □ — Hello, the "Palace Hotel". What can I do for you?

с □ — Thank you very much, goodbye, d. □ — I'd like to book a room.

e. □ — OK, Mrs Window, your double room is No. 289 from the
5th to 7th of May.

f. □ — What kind of room would you like?

g. □ — Well, could I have your name, please?

h. □ — You see, I am with my husband, so — a double room.

i. □ — I'm Window.

j. □ — For three nights.

k. □ — On the 5th of May.


1. □ — When are you going to arrive?

m. □ — How long are you going to stay?



3. Complete the dialogues. The guests' answers are given.

1) ---

Hello, I'd like to reserve a table.



— Tonight.

— At 7 p.m.

— For three persons.

— Mr Reddish.

— Near the entrance if ossible.

- That's OK, thank you.


--Good morning, I'd like to book a room.

— Single.

— On the 1st of September.

— For three nights.

— My full name is Grek Woodway.

— Yes, that's correct, but could you hold the room until midnight. My train is sometimes late.



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