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Материалы промежуточной аттестации

Вопросы для подготовки к курсовому зачету

по теоретической грамматике английского языка


1. The three constituent parts of language: the phonological system, the lexical system and the grammatical system. Phonology, lexicology and grammar as three main branches of linguistics.

2. The concept of multilevel organization of language structure. Different branches of linguistics corresponding to the different levels of language structure.

3. Morphology and syntax as branches of grammar corresponding to two adjoining levels of language structure. Their interrelationship and boundary lines between them.

4. The content of the word. Its lexical, lexical-grammatical and grammatical meaning.

5. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations among language units.

6. The form of the word. Types of morphemes. Positional-functional classification. A morpheme in the descriptive linguistics. Environment and distribution. Distributional classification.

7. Types of oppositions. The notion of a grammatical category in the light of the oppositional theory. The privative opposition as the main type of the oppositions in English.

8. Ways of form-building in Modern English. Synthetic and analytical grammar forms. A structural type of a language.

9. The notion of parts of speech in English. Criteria used for establishing parts of speech.

10. Contribution to the solution of this problem made by the scholars in this country.

11. Alternative theories of distinguishing parts of speech (H. Sweet, O. Jespersen, Ch. Fries).

12. The problem of notional and formal words.

13. a) The lexical-grammatical characteristics of the noun;

b) The morphological characteristics of the noun;

c) The syntactical characteristics of the noun.

14. Combinability of nouns with other nouns («cannon ball» problem)

15. The problem of further classification of the noun.

16. Case. Definition of the category.

17. The question about the number of cases:

a) the positional case theory (J. C. Nesfield, M. Bryant, M. Deutschbein);

b) the theory of prepositional cases (G. Curme);

с) the theory of possessive postposition (G. Vorontsova);

d) the limited case theory (H. Sweet, O. Jesperson).

18. The category of case in the light of the oppositional theory.

19. The essence of number as a grammatical category.

20. The category of number in the light of the oppositional theory. Strong member of the opposition: ways of expressing the plural in English.

21. The sphere of operation of the category of number within the morphological system of the noun. Countable & uncountable nouns. Singularia & pluralia tantum nouns.

22. Some difficult cases within the category of number.

23. a) The lexical-grammatical characteristics of the adjective;

b) The morphological characteristics of the adjective;

c) The syntactical characteristics of the adjective.

24. The problem of the subclasses.

25. The category of the degrees of comparison.

26. The problem of the combinations like «more important» & «most important».

27. Substantivisation of adjectives.

28. The question about the morphological status of stative words.

29. The question about the possibility of establishing stative words as a separate part of speech.

30. Arguments against and in favour of establishing stative words as a separate part of speech.

31. Difficulties of establishing the pronoun as a separate part of speech.

32. The question about the lexical-grammatical meaning of the pronoun.

33. Subclasses of the pronoun.

34. Morphological characteristics of the pronoun.

35. Syntactical properties of the pronoun. Combinability (phrase level) and the syntactical function (sentence level).

36. The Verb. The category of tense. Definition

37. Tense as a triple opposition (B. Ilysh)

38. Future tense in English. Tense as a binary opposition (L. Barkhudarov)

39. The category of primary time & the category of prospective time (M. Blokh)

40. Aspect. The Continuous forms & their interpretation by different scholars (H. Sweet,O. Jespersen, I. Ivanova).

41. The possibility of establishing a separate grammatical category of aspect (A. Smirnitsky,B. Ilysh, L. Barkhudarov, M. Blokh). The category of aspect in the light of the oppositional theory.

42. Interpretations of the essence of perfect & non-perfect forms in English.

a) tense view;

b) aspect view;

c) tense-aspect blend view;

d) strict categorical view

43. The category of correlation in the light of the oppositional theory.

44. Voice. Definition of the category

45. The question about the number of voice opposites in the morphological system of the English verb.

46. Voice in the light of the oppositional theory.

47. The question about the two functions of the construction «be + participle».

48. The sphere of operation.

49. Mood. Definition of the category.

50. The question about the number of mood opposites in the morphological system.

51. Mood as a system of 6 mood opposites (A. Smirnitsky, O. Akhmanova).

52. Mood as a system of 3 mood opposites (I. Khlebnikova).

53. Attempts to reduce the category of Mood to a binary opposition.

a) Mood as a binary opposition of the indicative & the imperative (L. Barkhudarov);

b) Mood as a binary opposition of the indicative & the subjunctive (M. Blokh).



1. The sentence & the phrase: the main difference. Predication as the main sentence characteristic. The predicative connection of the subject and the predicate.

2. The sentence: definition and classification (Ch. Fries, V. Vinogradov, M. Blokh, B. Khaimovich & B. Rogovskaya).

3. The sentence: the problem of classification (the communicative classification, the structural classification, classification of simple sentences).

4. The structure of the simple sentence. Criteria used for establishing different parts of the sentence.

5. Main and secondary parts of the sentence. Their role in expressing predicativity. Basic and optional parts of the sentence.

6. The subject: its definition and classification.

7. The predicate: its definition and classification.

8. Peculiarities of the attribute as a part of the sentence. The problem of the apposition as a part of the sentence.

9. The problem of the direct address and the parenthesis as parts of the sentence.

10. The object: its definition, classification and morphological manifestation.

11. The adverbial modifier: its definition, classification and morphological manifestation.

12. Actual division of the sentence. The main components. The role of the actual division of the sentence.

13. The definition of the complex sentence. The question about the structure of the subordinate clause and its function in speech. Formal means of inclusion of subordinate clauses in the structure of the complex sentence.

14. Classification of subordinate clauses.

15. Sentences containing non-finite forms of the verb in their structure.

16. The definition of the compound sentence. The problem of existence of the compound sentence.

17. The means of combining clauses. Type of the connection between the clauses.


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