

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Enumerate all the kinds of portrait you have learned about and give their Russian equivalents.

8. Using the basic vocabulary, translate the following sentences into English:

1. Это полуфигура мальчика, который четким силуэтом выступает на фоне пейзажа. 2. Каждый художник эпохи Возрождения стремился передать свежесть впечатлений, раскрыть человеческую сущность. 3. Величайшим завоеванием голландских пейзажистов явилось реалистическое изображение мотивов родной природы. 4. Венецианов изобразил сцены жизни простых людей с трогательной искренностью. 5. Рейсдаль, как и многие другие художники, был еще в конце жизни забыт и умер в нищете. 6. Картина написана свободными мазками, сияющими горячими красками. 7. Нежные золотисто-коричневые тона доминируют в приглушенной цветовой гамме. 8. Художнику удалось схватить мимолетное выражение лица этой юной красавицы. 9. Изысканные серебристо-золотистые тона обеспечивают цветовое единство. 10. Все предметы натюрморта соединяются в единое целое благодаря своим формам. 11. Выдающийся художник опередил своё время, но современники обвинили его в том, что он пренебрёг традициями. 12. Почти незаметные переходы тонов передавали глубину пространства.


Text 3



Red warns danger. The expression ‘red alert’ is used to warn a sudden and very dangerous situation. The expression ‘like a red rag to a bull’ means that something is likely to make someone angry and cause them to react violently. People imagine that the devil is red. Red heart shapes and red roses are used to represent romantic love. Red clothes, and lips and fingers that are painted red are often associated with sexual desire. Red is thought to be an exciting colour; the expression ‘paint the town red’ means t go out at night to bars, clubs etc. and have a very good time. In politics, red is used to represent Communism and Socialism. In the UK the Labour Party is represented by a red rose. If someone is red in the face, they are very embarrassed. It is traditional to welcome a king, queen, or president to a place by having a red carpet for them to walk on.



In the US and UK it is very common for the clothes to be blue. ‘navy blue’ (very dark blue) is a common colour for uniforms such as those worn by sailors and the police, and formal clothes worn for work: e.g. a navy blue suit. In the UK, blue is the colour of the Conservative Party. There is a joke that old ladies who support this party have a ‘blue rinse’, which means that they have their white or grey hair dyed a pale blue colour. The expression blue-collar is used to talk about social class. A blue-collar worker works in a factory, repairs machines, etc. (compare ‘white-collar’). Blue is connected with coldness. If you say that someone is ‘blue with cold’, you mean that they are very cold. Pale blue is associated with baby boys, who are traditionally dressed in this colour. Today many parents avoid dressing their boys in blue because they think that it strengthens sexual stereotypes. People who belong to royal families are said to be ‘blue-blooded’ (=to have blue blood). This suggests that they are special, are different from ordinary people, who have red blood.



Purple is associated with kings and queens and Roman Eperors, and in the past, these were the only people who were allowed to wear purple clothes. It is also connected with the Pope. ‘Purple prose’ is a piece of writing that has a grand style. If someone is ‘purple with rage’ or ‘purple in the face’, they are extremely angry.



British and American people think of green as the colour that represents nature. If you describe a place as green, you mean that it is covered with grass or trees: e.g. green fields. The ‘green belt’ is an area of land around a city where building is not allowed, in order to protect fields and woods. Green is the national colour of Ireland, also known as ‘Emerald isle’ because of its many green fields. Green also means ‘connected with the environment’. ‘Green issues’ are ideas about the environment that are discussed in parliament, newspapers, etc. In Britain and some other countries there is a political party called the Green Party which is chiefly interested in Green issues. Products that are described as green are thought to cause less harm to the environment than other products. Green is used to describe someone who is young and lacks experience in a job. Green represents jealousy. If you are ‘green with envy’, you are very jealous of someone who has something that you want. The expression ‘green-eyed monster’ is used to mean sexual jealousy. If someone’s face is green, they look pale and unhealthy, especially because they are about to vomit.



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