

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Scan the text to determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why.

e.g. In my opinion it is true that ... / I’m afraid it is false that ... because ...

1.   If the business has debts and one of the partners dies, the others are barely responsible for his debts.
2.   Corporations are easy to organize, decisions can be made quickly, profits are shared with only a few people, and the owners are responsible for success or failure of the business.
3.   If the corporation goes bankrupt or is sued, the stockholders lose the value of their stock. They are personally responsible for any money the corporation owes.
4. Bonds represent ownership in the corporation.
5. In corporations with many owners or stockholders the individual share of profits in the form of dividends is comparatively small.

2.4.3 Develop the following ideas. Make use of the active vocabulary given in brackets:


1. The advantages of sole proprietorships explain why so many people start businesses and try to run them alone.

(to be a one-owner business; to be easy to organize, to make decisions; to receive profits; to run the business; to encounter difficult problems; to have limited resources; to deal with the problem of limited liability; to take the personal property to pay the debts of the business; to start an entirely new enterprise)

2. To increase their chances of success entrepreneurs often choose partnership instead of sole proprietorship.

(to be an entrepreneur, to contribute equal capital; to have equal authority in management; to be easy to organize; to be responsible for success or failure of the business; to lose a personal fortune in the case of bankruptcy; unlimited liability for debts)

3. The majority of businesses are limited companies, in which investors are only liable for the amount of capital they have invested.

(to go bankrupt; assets do not cover the debts; to form a corporation; to raise the large amount of money needed; to have the right to buy, sell, and own property; to make legal contracts; to hire and fire workers; to set prices; to be legally recognized to be sued, fined and taxed; to obtain a charter of incorporation; to issue shares of stock; to represent ownership in the corporation; to buy and sell shares of stock)

4. Corporations have disadvantages as well as advantages.

(to be filed with the state or federal government; to issue a charter; to set up a corporation; to pay stockholders regular dividends; to keep detailed records; to be subject to double taxation; to include something. on income tax forms; to control the business; to invest own money in the business; to arrange for management to own shares of stock)

2.4.4 Match each of the phrases on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Use the grid below:

1. company (UK) / corporation (US) A a company whose shares are not publicly available
2. public company B an organization which is part of the state organisation
3. private company C an organization operating to make a profit
4. cooperative D a company which owns another
5. enterprise E a firm where shareholders’ liability is limited
6. government agency F firm owned by a parent company
7. limited company G documents showing income, expenditure, assets and liabilities, sales records, etc.
8. offshore company H two or more partners working together for profit, without limited liability
9. minority interest I a new commercial activity
10. parent company J cash items, or items that can easily be changed into cash for the present financial year
11. partnership K a company whose shares are publicly available
12. subsidiary (affiliate) L items of value which are not easily changed into cash but which the business needs.
13. company accounts M a firm based in a tax haven to avoid higher taxation
14. fixed assets N a democratic firm owned by its workers
15. current assets O company in which another firm has less than a 50% interest

2.4.5 There are five main types of legally constituted company. Tick the correct characteristics for each business type, or write “possibly” if the characteristic could apply. Give a brief description of the companies:

  public limited company private limited company sole trader partnership co-operative
single individual owns a company          
two or more owners / directors          
quoted on stock exchange          
workers run the company          
unlimited liability          
limited liability          
owner is self-employed          

2.4.6 Scan the text again and find the English equivalents for the following:


1. оборотный капитал, оборотные фонды, оборотные средства

2. мобилизовать необходимую сумму денег

3. устав акционерной компании

4. передача собственности

5. норма прибыли на акцию/ облигацию

6. единоличное владение (хозяйство)

7. нанимать и увольнять служащих

8. разрешенный к выпуску акционерный капитал

9. организации, вкладывающие средства в создание новых компаний, часто с повышенным уровнем риска

10. быть оштрафованным

11. имущество, активы, фонды, капитал, ресурсы компании

12. вести подробные учетные записи

13. нести ответственность в пределах инвестированного капитала

14. полное товарищество (с неограниченной имущественной ответственностью)

15. акционерная компания с ограниченной ответственностью (США)

16. выступать в качестве ответчика в суде

17. часть прибыли компании, распределяемая среди акционеров

18. ограниченная ответственность (акционера)

19. получить сертификат об инкорпорации (лицензию)


В частной акционерной компании (private limited company) в Англии может состоять от двух до пятидесяти членов (в их число не входят те, кто в ней работает). Частная компания не должна направлять бухгалтерские отчеты в бюро по регистрации акционерных компаний (Registrar), но ежегодно заявляет туда о том, что она не предлагала общественности свои акции или облигации. Частная компания – это зачастую дело семейное, капитал для которого собран среди членов семьи, которые, вследствие этого, владеют акциями компании. Но акции могут передаваться другим лицам только с согласия правления компании. Конечно же, это большой минус для держателя акций частных компаний. Т.к. каждая акция обладает одним голосом, у него должен быть по меньшей мере 51% акций, чтобы получить большинство голосов, необходимое для разрешения передачи акций другому лицу. Акции публичной компании с ограниченной ответственностью (PLC – public limited company) могут свободно продаваться на бирже или в ходе частных переговоров.


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