

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

VI. After translating the phrases compose all types of questions of the previous task

VII. Translate the following word combinations into English:

1. а) быть удовлетворенным работой этой машины; б) обеспечивать работу демонстрационного зала; в) отвечать за работу этого оборудования.

2. а) широкая рекламная кампания; б) он - тебе не компания; в) крупная иностранная компания.

3. а) принимать гостей по воскресеньям; б) не принимать дефектное оборудование; в) принимать обсужденные рекомендации.

VIII. Complete the following sentences


1. If your products were not up to sample ...

2. We are in the market for hydraulic presses, and we…

3. They have been doing business in the field of electronics for the last decade and we ...

4. All the details of transporting goods: packing, marking, loading and unloading are handled by specialized ...

5. Importing and exporting goods are subject to a lot of formalities such as ...

6. The Suppliers guarantee ...

7. Don't you think that if we took the computer on a lease of 10 years, it ...?

8. What do you know about the development of boarder trade...

9. When and with what company was the last large scale compensation...?

10. The amount of the compensation for...

11. Against what risk...?

12. Which do you think is the most important clause...?


1. What is necessary to establish... ?

2. At the international fair held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria...

3. Why do they hold us responsible for...

4. Having taken steps to...

5. Which kind of offer contains the words: "...subject to ...?"

6. We are sending you our letter enclosing...

7. The offer is made subject to your acceptance within...

8. Participating in the trade by tenders...

9. As compared with the previous year...

10. A showroom has just been opened, which will enable...

11. Distributing leaflets and other printed matter...

12. We are looking forward to...

13. Having carried out a number of...

IX. Make up sentences with the following phrases


1. to place an order with smb., to order smth. from smb.

2. to be for sale, to be on sale

3. on behalf of smb., in smb.'s behalf

4. in stock, from stock

5. to attach to, to enclose with

6. have pleasure in, had (shall have)the pleasure of

7. according to/ in accordance with

8. to meet smb.'s requirements, to cover smb.'s requirements

9. the delivery time ,the delivery date

10. a market research, a marketing research


1. to deal in, to deal with

2. to carry on, to carry out

3. a catalogue (a pricelist) of a deal (quotation, offer) for

4. at the price of, on the terms of

5. to quote - a price to quote for the goods

6. to be of interest to, to be interested in

7. to supply smb. with smth., to supply smth. to smb.

8.the performance of the dump truck, the operation of the dump truck

9. for various reasons, for different factories

10. to be served, to be serviced

Focus on Grammar

Participle I, II


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