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DISCUSSION. – the centrality of marketing for any business;


– the centrality of marketing for any business;

– the difference between the “selling and marketing concepts”;

– the marketing mix;

– the importance of a marketing plan;

– SWOT analysis;

– marketing research, its functions and use;

– marketing research and small firms;

– the importance of marketing management and its goal;

– the purpose of the marketing department;

– ways of improving marketing decision making.


amount to, v – доходить до, составлять

anticipate, v – предвидеть, предчувствовать

bucket seat, n – одноместное сиденье

carve out, v – вырезать, делить, дробить, выделить

clientele, n – постоянные покупатели

consistent, a – совместимый, согласующийся

default, n – невыполнение обязательств, неисполнение договора, неуплата

demolish, v – сносить, уничтожать, разрушать

encompass, v – окружать, включать, охватывать

entail, v – влечь за собой, вызывать

haphazard, a – случайный, бессистемный

launch, v – разрабатывать, выпустить продукт, запустить программу

merit, v – заслужить, быть достойным

outlet, n – торговая точка, рынок сбыта

patronage, n – покровительство, клиентура, постоянные покупатели, постоянство

put out, v – удалять, устранять

superfluous, a – излишний, чрезмерный, ненужный

trade-off, n – компромисс, выбор, альтернатива

vigorous, a – сильный, энергичный




Marketing – the activity or process involving research, promotion, sales, and distribution of a product or service.

Product– a good, a service, or idea to satisfy the consumer’s needs. A “product” is not just a collection of components. A “total product” includes the image of the product, its design, quality and reliability.

Price– what is exchanged for the product. Pricing takes account of the value of a product and its quality, the ability of the customer to pay.

Place – a means of getting the product to the consumer’s hands, using various channels of distribution.

Promotion – presenting the product to the customer. Promotion involves the packaging presentation of the product, its image, the product’s brand name, advertising and slogans, brochures, literature and so on.

SWOT– a systematic evaluation of an organization’s strenghths and weaknesses in relation to its environmental Opportunities and Threats.

Marketing research – the gathering, recording, and analyzing of information about problems relating to marketing.

Marketing management – fundamental concepts and techniques of marketing decision making.


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