

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



Кількісні Порядкові

Від 1 до 12

1 one [wλn] firsl[fə :st ]

2 two [tu:] second ['seknd]

3 three [θri:] third [θə:d]

4 four [fə:] fourth [fə: θ]

5 five [faiv] fifIh [ fifθ]

6 six [siks] sixth [siks]

7 seven [sevn] seventh [sevnθ]

8 eight [eit] eighth [eitθ]

9 nine [nain] ninth [nainθ]

10 ten [ten] tenlh [tenθ]

11 eleven [ilevn] eleventh [i 'levnθ]

12 twelve [twelv] twelfIh [twelfθ]


Від 13 до 19

13 thirteen [θə:'ti:n] thirteenth [θə: ti:nθ]

14 fourteen [fə :ti:n] fourteenth [fə:ti:nθ]

15 fifteen ['fif 'ti:n] fifteenth [fi:f'ti:nθ]

16 sixteen [siks 'ti:n] sixteenth [ 'siks 'ti:nθ]

17 seventeen ['sevn' ti:n] seventeenth r 'sevn' ti:n θI]

18 eighteen [ 'ei 'ti:n] eighteenth r 'ei' ti:nθ]

19 nineteen [nain 'ti:n] nineteenth r 'nain 'ti:nθ]


Від 20 до 90 десятки

20 twenty [ 'twenti] twentieth [ 'twentiθ]

30 thirty [ ' θə :ti] thirtieth [ ' θə :tiθ]

40 forty [ ' fə: ti] fortieth [ ' fə: tiθ]

50 fifty [ 'fif ti] fifIieth [ 'fif tiθ]

60 sixty [ 'siksti] sixtieth [ 'sikstiθ]

70 seventy [ 'sevnti] seventieth [ 'sevntiθ]

80 eighty [ 'eiti] eightieth[ 'eitiθ]

90 ninety [ 'nainti] ninetieth [ 'naintiθ]


Від 21 до 99

21 twenty- one twenty- - first

32 thirty- two thirty~second

43 forty- three forty~third

54 fifty- four fifIy- fourth

65 sixty- five sixty- fifth

76 seventy- six seventy- sixth

87 eighty- seven eighty- seventh

98 ninety- eight ninety- eighth

99 ninety- nine ninety- ninth


100 a (one) hundred [hλndrəd]

1,000 a (one) thousand [θ auzənd]

1,000,000 a (one) million [miljan]

1,000,000,000 a( one) milliard (aмep. a (one) billion)

1,000,000,000,000 a( one) billion (aмep. a ( one) trillion)

1,000,000,000,000,000 a(one) thousand billion(s)

(aмep. a(one) quadrillion)

1,000,000,000,000,000,000 a( one) trillion (aмep. a(one) quintillion)


Порядкові від 100...

100 a(one) hundredth[hλndrədθ]

101 a(one) hundred and first

102 a( one) hundred and second

200 two hundredth

263 two hundred and sixty- third

1,000 a(one) thousandth [θ auzəndθ]

1,001 a( one) thousand and first

2,260 two thousand two hundred and sixtieth

3,000 three thousandth

100,000 a( one) hundred thousandth

1,000,000 a( one) millionth

5,000,000 five millionth

1,000,000,000 a( one) milliardth (aмep. a(one) billionth)

1,000,000,000,000 a(one) billionth (aмep. a{ one) trillionth)

1,000,000,000,000,000 a(one) thousand billionth

(амep. a(one) quadrillionth)

1,000,000,000,000,000,000 a( one) trillionth

(aмep. a(one) quintillionth)

Читання складних числівників

101 a(one) hundred and one

152 a(one) hundred and fifty- two

1,001 a( one) thousand and one

2,325 two thousand, three hundred and twenty- five

15,972 fifteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy- two

234,753 two hundred and thirty- four thousand, seven hundred and fifty- three

20 / 83 - twеntу оvеr eigthy- three

22 / 7 - twеntу- twо оvег sеvеn

1/3 –a (one)third, 1/2 –a (one) half, 1/4 –a (one) quarter

21/2- metres (two and half metres =two metres and half)

2/3 – two thirds, 4/5 – four fifths, 8/10 – eight tenths

3/ 462 – three over four- six- two

0.7 - point seven, nought (zero, o) point seven (нуль, крапка,сім)

0.08 - point nought eight (nought point o eight - нуль крапка нуль вісім) (крапка, нуль, вісім)

0.001 - point nought nоught оne, nоught pоint two оes [ouz] one

(нуль, крапка , два нуля, один)

1.02 - one point nought two, one point o [ou] two

4.25 - four point twenty five, four point two five

15.106 - one five point one nought six

1 .75 centimetres - one point seven five (seventy five) centimetres



1) 3(rd) January 1985 ::;

the third of January nineteen eighty- five

2) 4(th) May 1985 ::;

the fourth of May nineteen eighty- five 4.5.85 or 4.V.85 or 4/5/85


1) January 3, 1985 ::;

January third, nineteen eighty- five

2) May 4, 1985 ::; May fourth, nineteen eighty- five 5.4.85 or 5/4/85

1900 - nineteen hundred

1905 - nineteen five ( nineteen o [ 'ou] five)

1945 - nineteen forty- five

in 1992 - in nineteen ninety- two

1500 B.C. (before Christ),- fifteen hundred B.C. [ 'bi:si: ]

A.D. [ 'eidil:] Anno Domini (lat.) нашої ери


7:00 - seveno'clock

(a.m / p.m.) a.m.- ante meridium(до 12.00)

p.m. post meridium (після 12.00)

8:15 - a quarter past eight

(eight fifteen)

9:45 - a quarter to ten

(nine forty- five)

4:30 - half past four, half four

(four thirty, pозм. half four.)

5:10 - ten (minutes) past five

(five ten)

6:25 - twenty- five minutes past six

(six twenty- five)

6:35 - twenty~five minutes to seven

(six thirty- five)

957 - three minutes to ten

(nine fifty- seven)

2:03 - three minutes past two

(two oh three)


Натомість рast вживається after:

5: 10 - ten after five

5: 15 - a quarter after five

9:30 - nine thirty ( частіше ніж half past nine)

of частіше ніж to

7:45 - a quarter of eight

7:55 - five of eight.

У військових документах чи розкладах

07.00, (oh), seven hundred hours = 7.00 a.m.

10.30, ten thirty = 10.30 a.m.

12.00, twelve hundred hours = midday/noon

13.45 , thirteen, forty- five = 1.45 p.m.

15.15, fifteen, fifteen = 3.15 p.m.

19.00 , nineteen hundred hours = 7.00 p.m.

22.50 , twenty~two fifty = 10,50 p.m.

23.05 , twenty- three oh five = 11.05 p.m.

24.00, twenty- four hundred hours = midnight

Грошові одиниці Великобританії

1 фунт стерлінгів - one pound sterling (назва банкноти: £ - a pound note).

5 фунтів стерлінгів - five pounds ( £ 5) (назва банкноти: a five pound note)

10 фунтів стерлінгів - ten pounds (£10) (назва банкноти: a ten pound note)

20 фунтів стерлінгів - twenty pounds (£20) (назва банкноти: a twenty pound note)

half penny / half a penny- - : a half penny = 1/2 p

a penny = 1 P

two pence - two pence = 2p[tu: pi: ] a twopenny piece

ten pence = 10p- ten penny piece

fifty pence - = 50p - a fifty pence piece

Грошові одиниці США

a dollar (назва банкноти: a dollar bill)

two dollars ($2)- (назва банкноти: a two dollar bill)

five dollars = $5 - (назва банкноти: a five dollar bill)

twenty dollars = $20 - (назва банкноти: a twenty dollar bill)

five hundred dollars = $500 - (назва банкноти: a five handred dollar bill)

five thousand dollars = $5,000 - (назва банкноти: a five thousand dollar bill)

ten thousand dollars = $1 0,000 - (назва банкноти: a ten thousand dollar bill)


a cent (1/100 $ ) = a cent).

five cents = (a nickel)

ten cents = (a dime)

twenty- five cents =( a quarter)

half a dollar = (a half- dollar note)

$25.04 (twenty- five dollars and four cents)

$36.10 (thirty- six dollars and ten cents)

$2,750.34 (two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars and thirty- four cents).


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