

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Conversational task


1. Wordcheck

Make sure that you know the meaning of the following words and word combinations:

1) international words:

nationality (n) university (n) faculty (n) comfortable (a) telephone (n) doctor (n) hospital (n) economist (n) history (n) interest (n) secretary (n) examination (n);

2) active vocabulary:

be born (v) as for me job (n) handsome (a) as a rule to tell the truth be short of introduce to be keen on something subject (n) move to (v) housewife (n) be as busy as a bee be interested in block of flats private house modern conveniences central heating electricity (n) gas (n) running water rubbish chute (n) working day week-days (n) get up (v) do morning exercises make one’s bed clean one’s teeth wash (oneself ) (v) take a shower have a bath dress (oneself ) (v) brush one’s hair have breakfast (dinner, supper) be late for work/classes It takes me ... to get to ...   leave the house get (go) by bus/tram, trolley-bus   go on foot be over   correspondence department attend lectures (classes) term (n) take examination (credit tests) pass exams a.m. – лат. Ante meridiem p.m. – лат. Post meridiem родиться что касается меня работа симпатичный, красивый как правило говоря по правде не хватать представлять увлекаться чем-либо предмет (учебный) переезжать домохозяйка быть занятым как пчелка интересоваться многоквартирный дом частный дом современные удобства отопление электричество газ водопровод мусоропровод рабочий день будние дни вставать (утром) делать утреннюю зарядку убирать постель чистить зубы умываться принимать душ принимать ванную одеваться причесываться завтракать (обедать, ужинать) опаздывать на работу/занятия Мне требуется (необходимо) … чтобы добраться до … уходить из дома добираться/ехать автобусом, трамваем, троллейбусом идти пешком заканчиваться / быть оконченным заочное отделение посещать лекции (занятия) семестр сдавать экзамены (зачеты) сдать экзамен до полудня пополудни


2. Dialogue: «Let’s get acquainted»

Practice reading the dialogues, translate them into Russian.

– What’s your name?

– My name is Janet Blake. And what’s your name?

– It’s Pat Wilson.

– I’m pleased to meet you.

– Nice to see you too. Where were you born?

– I was born in England. And you?

– As for me, I’m from Russia.


– What are you?

– I’m a teacher. What’s your job?

– I’m an engineer.

– What is your brother’s job?

– He’s a driver.

– Is your son a student?

– Yes, he is.

– Where are you from?

– I’m from Spain.

– What nationality are you?

– I’m Spanish.

– Where is your wife from?

– She’s from England. She’s English.


– How old are you?

– I am 19 (years old). How old is your brother?

– He’s about 28.

– What is he like?

– He’s tall and handsome.

– How many brothers do you have?

– I have two brothers. The elder one is twenty. He studies at the college, he is a first-year student of the correspondence department. The younger one is seventeen. He’s in his last year of high school.

– How many sisters do you have?

– I have one sister. She’s nine. She goes to grammar school.


– What time do you get up as a rule?

– Generally about half past seven.

– Why so early?

– Because I am short of time. And besides, I live far from my office.

– When do you get to the office?

– About nine o’clock.

– What do you usually do in the evenings?

– We generally stay at home. Once or twice a week we go to a theatre or to the pictures.



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