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УРОВЕНЬ. Задание 1. Прочитайте и выполните задание по тексту (заполните таблицу)

Задание 1. Прочитайте и выполните задание по тексту (заполните таблицу)

Problems of City and Country Life

If I could choose where to live I would choose the country life. In spite of the fact that I have lived all my life in Moscow, I would like to live in a cottage somewhere near a river and a forest. Maybe it is because I'm tired of polluted air, overcrowded transport, traffic jams and people who are always in a hurry. Of course, there are places in Moscow that I love. For example, the Moscow Zoo. I love this place because I love animals. But if I lived in the country, I would be able to go to Moscow and visit my favorite Zoo. Another hobby of mine is riding horses. And my dream is to have my own horse, to take care of it, and to ride it every day. It's difficult to do in Moscow.

If we live in Moscow it is very easy for us to go to the theatre, to the cinema, and to visit interesting exhibitions. But do we do this often? I think that if you really want this, you can do it even if you live in the country. Many people say they love going to restaurants and cafes but then they usually say that they are so tired of such life. So maybe it's time to change something? And if you live in Moscow, you don't have an opportunity to breathe fresh air, to enjoy wonderful nature, and to feel yourself a part of this nature. Many people love busy city life. It is enough for them to visit the country at week-ends. Almost half of humanity lives in cities. I think I'll join the other half of humanity. But everybody should have an opportunity to make their choice.


Why I want to live in a city Why I want to live in the country
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

Задание 2. Перечислить основные научные достижения И.В. Курчатова


Задание 1. Закончите мини диалоги, начинающееся с фразы

1. Excuse me, where is the nearest mail - box?

2. I'm looking for the shopping center (shopping mall). How can I get there?

3. Could you tell me where the nearest pay phone is?

4. Is there a place where we can get some ice cream for the kids?

5. Where can I buy some cigarettes?

6. How do I get to the center of town from here?

7. Can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?

8. I need to make a phone call. Where's a pay phone?

9. I'd like to get these picture developed. Where can I take them?

10. The heel on my shoe came off. Where could I get that repaired?

11. I need to make some xerox copies of these papers. Where can I go?

12. Where could I get this watch repaired?

Задание 2. Ролевая игра по теме «The Excursion around the Town»

Задание 3. Составьте развернутый план основных этапов жизни И.В.Курчатова



Дата добавления: 2014-11-13; просмотров: 172; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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