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УРОВЕНЬ. Задание 1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы

Задание 1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы

My Last Winter Holidays

Our winter holidays always coincide with two important dates –New Year’s Eve and Christmas, that’s why, as a rule, I never leave Kyiv at this time of year. Our Ukrainian custom is to spend these two evenings with our family. This year my winter holidays were not an exception and I spent them at home. The days before New Year’s Eve were full of preparations: I had to buy small presents for my parents and grandparents. I wanted to buy a Christmas tree and some more Christmas decorations. I helped my Mum to do the shopping for our New Year’s Eve dinner. In other words, I was very busy. During the very last hours of the year we decorated the Christmas tree, laid the table near it and drank our Champagne, saying good-bye to the Old Year, and greeting the New Year. Then we opened our Christmas presents. I got a lot of candies and a beautiful sweater.

The day before Christmas the weather was bright and frosty. I was skiing and riding sledges with lots of hills, what made it very exciting.

In the morning we went to church. The service was beautiful, with wonderful chants and the smell of incense. Then we went to visit our relatives.

The days after Christmas passed quickly. I went to see my friends, I went walking and skiing, once, I went to the museum. And then – look! – it’s time to get ready for school.


1. Which two important days do your winter holidays coincide with?

2. Where do you usually spend your winter holidays?

3. Where did you spend your winter holidays this year?

4. What were you doing the very last hours of the year?

5. What were you doing during the days before New Year’s Eve?

6. What did you get for a holiday present?

7. What were you doing in the days before Christmas?

8. How did you spend your Christmas?

10. What were you doing in the days after Christmas?

Задание 2. Расскажите о двух/трех британских праздниках, опираясь на текст


Дата добавления: 2014-11-13; просмотров: 170; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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