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Environment and Ecology

The word environment means simply what is around us. Some people live in a town environment; for others, their environment is the countryside. Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environment problems that endanger people’s lives. The most serious environmental problems are:

- pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution);

- noise from cars, buses, planes, etc.;

- destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty;

- shortage of natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel);

- the growth of population.

Water Pollution.There is no ocean or sea, which is not used as a dump. Many seas are used for dumping industrial and nuclear waste. These poisons and wastes kill fish and sea animals. Nuclear – poisoned fish can be eaten by people. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned too. Fish and reptiles can’t live in them. There is not enough oxygen in the water. In such places all the birds leave their habitats and many plants die. If people drink this water they can die too. It happens so because factories produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers. So they poison water.

Air pollution. Most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars and buses. More and more often people are told not to be in direct sunlight, because ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. Normally the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us from such radiation, but if there are holes in the ozone layer ultraviolet radiation can get to the earth. Many scientists think that these holes are the result of air pollution. Nuclear power stations can go wrong and cause nuclear pollution. Both clean air and clean water are necessary for our health. If people want to survive they must solve these problems quickly. Man is beginning to understand that his environment is not just his own town or country, but the whole earth. That’s why people all over the world think and speak so much about ecology.

Factories, power stations, cars emit tons of smoke into the air. The wind carries the poisonous substances from one country to another.

Trees provide home for many other plants and animals. They provide food for insects, reptiles, birds and mammals. They protect the soil from the wind and rain. It may be that the medicines we need will be discovered in wild plants in savannas, deserts or rainforests. Trees are the lungs of the planet. If the trees die, we will too. Animals and birds are in danger too. Many of the animals are now extinct. The reason is a Man that killed animals and destroys their habitats.

We used a lot of electricity. Our house is full of electrical appliances. Using electricity doesn’t cause the pollution, but making it does. We need to choose cheap electricity and polluting the environment and expensive electricity but healthy life and clean environment.

But what government can do with it? I think government can stop producing nuclear and chemical weapon, allocate more money to various environmental projects, use organic fertilizer, install purifying systems, plant and grow trees bushes and other greenery.

Mass media should attract people’s attention to environmental problems. Everything I have already spoken about it is only a small part of nowadays polluting the environment. Everyone should remember when he kills a plant or animal he kills a part of himself because everything in the world is interconnected. And people should to protect the nature but not to kill it.

Задание 2. Подберитеэквиваленты:

1. infra-red light 2. incident 3. to scatter 4. to utilize 5. relative 6. source 7. evaporation 8. conventional 9. rigid 10. surface 11. heat exchanger 12. to provide 13. humidity a) теплообменник b) общепринятый, обычный c) обеспечивать d) рассеивать e) испарение f) поверхность g) твердый h) влажность i) инфракрасный свет (излучение) j) случай, происшествие k) относительный l) источник m) использовать

Задание 3. Согласитесь или не согласитесь с данными утверждениями

1. The earth is not big.

2. The earth is flat.

3. There is a lot of water on the earth.

4. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on the earth.

5. Men and animals live on the earth.

6. Different plants grow on it.

7. There are ten continents.

8. The largest of the oceans is the Atlantic Ocean.

9. The Black Sea is the largest of the seas.

10. There are some countries where there are four seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two.

11. When the sun shines it is day, when the sun does not shine it is night.

12. You can see the moon and the stars in the sky in the morning.


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