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Text messages

• What do you think the following words / messages mean?

• Can you think of any other words or short messages you use in your own language?

• Can you use the same ‘codes’ in English?



Text writing

In pairs write your own message to another pair in the class.

• First of all write it in English and then translate it into a text message. Send it to someone in the class. When you receive a message write a reply.


Contexts for messages:


v You need to cancel a trip to the cinema because your grandmother is coming for dinner.

v Arrange with a good friend to go shopping on Saturday at the shopping centre.

v Text your best friend the morning of his/her birthday.

v Contact your friend to say that you’re going to be late meeting them because of a train strike.

v Send a text message to your friend to find out where they are. You’ve been waiting for them in a café for twenty minutes.


Conversation Practice:

Gratitude. Arresting someone’s Attention.


a) How to arrest someone’s attention:



Excuse me, (please) …

Pardon me …

Sorry to … (interrupt, interfere, bother), but …

Look here!

Just a minute!



b) How to reply:





What is it?

What can I do for you?



c) How to thank someone:



Thank you (very much)/so much


Thank you very much indeed.

That’s nice (kind) of you.

Thank you anyway.

I’m very grateful to you.


d) How to replay to gratitude:



(Oh) that’s OK/all right.

Not at all.

You’re welcome.

Don’t mention it.

It’s a pleasure.



Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 155; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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