

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

I … … an English student next autumn.

a) shall be b) will be c) shall are

Упражнение 27. Выберите нужную форму форму глагола:

Pudding* 1 a traditional English sweet dish with fruit and spices. Puddings appeared in the sixteenth century. There 2 a wonderful legend how such cookery came into being. Once upon a time on Christmas Eve an English king 3 in the forest and lost his way. He 4little food left. He knocked at the door of the woodman’s house and asked for food and shelter. The woodman 5 very poor too and 6 not much food to offer. So he mixed togetherall the food he had in the house. It 7 a mixture of flour, eggs, apples, dried plums, sugar and brandy. Then he boiled this mixture in a cloth. So a delicious cookery 8 invented. Later pudding became а customary Christmas desert. But in 1664 the Puritans banned it as a «lewd custom». It 9George I, who tasted and enjoyed plum pudding, re-established it as a part of the Christmas feast in 1714.

Modern pudding can 10of some kinds. For example, one of traditional Christmas puddings is a plum pudding with the ring and the bachelor's button. These things are put into the pudding in order to define, who marries in the coming year. Who finds them in his or her piece of the pudding will be happy. It is an art to prepare a real Christmas pudding. It takes a lot of time and is very complicated. Here is the recipe of traditional Scottish pudding , the Free Kirk pudding:

3 tb sps. plain Flour

3 tb sps. Sugar

6 tb sps. fresh Breadcrumbs

5 tb sps. shredded Suet

3 tb sps. Currants

3 tb sps. Raisins

1 little Orange or Lemon peel

1 level t sp. Baking soda

1 t sp. Mixed spice

1 Egg


Combine all dry ingredients, fruit, spice and peel. Add eggs and milk and make a stiff dough. Turn into greased mould and steam 3 hours.


* См.: Глоссарий «Социокультурной портрет Великобритании»


To appear [ə‘piə] появляться

A cookery [‘kυkəri] стряпня/кулинария

To come into being возникнуть

To be boiled быть сваренным

A woodman [‘wυ:dmən] дровосек

To ask for shelter [‘ʃeltə] просить о приюте

A cloth [klɒθ] ткань, полотно

Customary desert [,kʌstəməri de‘zə:t] привычный десерт

Lewd custom [,ljυ:d‘kʌstəm] непристойный обычай

To re-establish [,ries‘tæbliʃ] восстановить

To ban [bæn] запрещать

Flour/fresh breadcrumbs/shredded suet мука/свежие хлебные мякиши/ дрожжи

Currants/raisin смородина/ изюм

A stiff dough упругое тесто

1. a) isb) was c) will be

2. a) are b) is c) was

3. a) is b) had c) was

4. a) had b) have c) has

5. a) was b) were c) is

6. a) had b) was c) has

7. a) was b) were c) are

8. a) are b) were c) was

9. a) was b) were c) are

10. a) is b) bec) was

9.1.3. Оборот there is (are)

Использо-вание Где?/ Когда? Настоящее простое/неопределенное время (Present Simple/Indefinite Tense) Основная формулathere is + N(ед. ч.) there are + N +s(мн. ч.)
Употреб-ляется для выражения наличия/ отсутст- вия какого-либо лица/ предмета в определен-ном месте в настоя-щем / про-шедшем и будущем временах. Cоответст-вует русскому «имеется, находится». На русский язык пред- ложения с этим обо-ротом пере-водятся с обстоя-тельства места (с конца).   + ?
There is (There’s) * a book There are (There’re)* books on the table Is Are there a book / books on the table? There is not (isn’t)* a book There are not (aren’t) * books on the table.
Перевод:e.g. There is one of the most famous libraries of the world in the British Museum. There are about 6 million books there. В Британском Музее находится одна из самых известных библиотек мира. Она вмещает около 6 миллионов книг.
Формальные признаки: always всегда/often часто/usually обычно/every day/week/month/year каждый день/неделю/месяц/год и т.д./sometimes иногда
Прошедшее простое/неопределенное время (Pаst Simple/Indefinite Tense) Основная формулathere was + N(ед. ч.) there were + N +s(мн. ч.)
+ ?
There was/ were a book/ books on the table. Was Were there a book/ books on the table? There was not (wasn’t) were not (weren’t) a book/ books on the table.
Перевод: e.g. There was a prison in the Tower of London many years ago. В Тауэре Лондона много лет назад располагалась тюрьма. e.g. There were puppet shows «Punch and Judy» at parties for children. На детских праздниках показывали шоу «Панч и Джуди».с перчаточными куклами
Формальные признаки: yesterday вчера/in 1995 в 1995/last day/week/month прошлый день/неделю/месяц и т.д./that day в тот день/2 years ago. 2 года назад
Будущее простое/неопределенное время (Future Simple/Indefinite Tense) Основная формулathere will be + N(ед./мн. ч.)
+ ?
There will (There’ll)* be a book/ books on the table. Will there be a book/ books on the table? There will not (won’t)* be a book/ books on the table.
Перевод:e.g. There will be many tourists in Wales next year. В Уэльсе будет много туристов на следующей год.
Формальные признаки: in 2012 (в 2012)/next day/week/month/year следующий день/неделю/месяц/год и т.д./tomorrow завтра
N.B.! Будущее простое время не употребляется в придаточных предложениях условия и времени содержащих оборот there is (are) после союзов: If / Provided /Providing that / On condition that если In case в случае если Unless если не / When когда Будущее простое времявыражается глаголом to be в настоящем времени, который переводится на русский язык глаголом будущего времени: e.g. The Smiths will be fond of the festival unless thereis not so many fuss there. Семье Смитов (Смитам) понравится праздник, еслитолько там не будет лишней суеты.

*Краткие формы глагола характерны для разговорной речи


Упражнение 28. Составьте предложенияс оборотом there is (are), используя следующие слова и словосочетания:


There is (not) Was there Will there be a monument to admiral Nelson in Scotland.
ancient private schools in Great Britain.
the highest mountain of Great Britain in the lake Loch Ness in Scotland.
There are (not) Were there Will there be a legendary monster on Trafalgar Square in London.
а lot of parks and gardens in western part of London.
four countries on the territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Упражнение 29. Выберите правильную форму глаголов:


Traditional British folk music 1 many different forms including songs and ballads. There 2 many folk songs about the lives of ordinary people in past centuries, others told of famous love stories or celebrated nature, for example «The Ash Grove», «Auld Lang Syne».

«Auld Lang Syne»*is originally a Scottish song about friendship and remembering good times in the past. The title means «old long since».Traditionally people in Britain hold hands and sing it at midnight at a party at New Year’s Eve. It 3a traditional song. Robert Burns wrote the version that people sing now. Many British know the beginning of the song:

«Should auld acquaintance he forgot,

And never brought to min’ (=mind)?

Should auld acquaintance he forgot,

And auld land syne!»

A lot of instrumental folk music 4of Scottish and Irish origin and ranges from laments on the bagpipes to lovely nice tunes.

Bagpipes* are musical instruments played by blowing air into a bag held under the arm, and pressing it out through the pipes. They are associated with Scotland. The sound they make is unusual, but their music is suitable for dancing and for serious occasions. A person who plays the agpipes is called a piper.

In Wales and Ireland a harp* may sometimes 5used to accompany the singing. Harp is a large upright musical instrument with many strings stretched across a frame that has three corners.

There are various types of harps. Throughout the centuries the harp continues to be an official symbol and is seen on the coinage, state seals and ship’s mast-heads. A picture of the harp is shown on the coat of arms of the country. Folk music played with the Irishnational musical instrument 6 a lot of fans .

But there 7 songs accompanied by guitar or piano now. According to tradition it 8 a fiddle (violin) for playing most dance music. Irish folk bands usually 9flutes, tin whistles, string instruments, pipes. In Britain folk festivals are held regularly near Banbury, at Warwick and Cambridge. Many towns still 10a folk club for amateur singers and musicians, who meet regularly.


* См.: Глоссарий «Социокультурной портрет Великобритании»


Folk music народная музыка

«Auld Lang Syne» [,ɒ:ldlæŋ‘zain] «Доброе старое время»

А harp [ha:p] арфа

А guitar [,gi‘ta:] гитара

А piano [pj‘ænəυ] пианино

A lament [lə‘ment] похоронная песнь

Bagpipes волынка

A fiddle (violin [‘vailin]) скрипка

A flute [flυ:t] флейта

A whistle [wisl] свистулька

String instruments струнные инструменты

А pipe свирель, дудка, свисток

On coinage, state seals and ship’s mast-heads на монетах, государственных печатях и мачтах кораблей

An amateur любитель

1. a) will have b) has c) had

2. a) be b) were c) are

3. a) is b)was c) will be

4. a) is b)will be c) were

5. a) be b)will be c) are

6. a) has b)will have c) have

7. a) are b)is c) was

8. a) is b) were c) was

9. a) have b) has c) had

10. a) have b) had c) will have


9.1.4. Система простых/неопределенных времен (Simple/Indefinite Tenses)

Использование Когда?/Как? Система простых/неопределенных времен (Simple/Indefinite Tenses)
для обозначения реального факта действия в настоящем времени   Настоящее простое/неопределенное время (Present Simple/Indefinite Tense) Основная формулаV (I/we/you/they) V + s (he/she/it)
+ ?
I/We/You/ They He/She/It work. works. Do Does I/we/you/ they he/she /it work? I/We/You/ They He//She/ It do not (don’t)* does not (doesn’t)* work.
Перевод:Я работаю / мы работаем / ты работаешь / Вы/вы работаете / они работают / он/она/оно работает
Формальные признаки: always всегда/often часто/usually обычно/every day/week/month/year каждый день/неделю/месяц/год и т.д/ sometimes иногда
N.B.! Образование форм в третьем лице единственного числа знаменательных смысловых глаголовв настоящем простом времени происходит по следующим правилам: глаголыto do (делать) и to go (ходить/идти) принимают окончание - es: e.g. he goes/does oн ходит/делает глаголы, оканчивающиеся на букву - у, которой предшествует соглас-ная, меняют букву - у на букву- i и принимают окончание-es: e.g. to study учиться – he studiesон учится если букве у предшествует гласная, то окончание глагола не меняется: e.g. to play играть - he playsон играет окончание – s произносится как: [s] после [z] после звонких [iz] после глухих согласных согласных/ гласных - s/- ss/- z/- x/- ch/- sh/- tch e.g. she looks[lυks] e.g. she plans[plænz] e.g. he catches[‘kætʃiz] она смотритона планируетон ловит e.g. he plays[pleiz] e.g he passes[‘pa:siz] он играет он переходит
для обозначе-ния реально-гофакта действия в прошедшем времени Прошедшее простое/неопределенное время (Pаst Simple/Indefinite Tense) Основная формулаV + ed (правильные глаголы) II форма глаголa (неправильные глаголы)**
+ ?
I/We/You/ They/He/ She/It worked/wrote. Did I/We/You/They/He/She/It work/ write? I/We//It You/ He/ They/She did not (didn’t)* work/ write.
Перевод:Я работал/мы/они работали/ ты работал/ вы/Bы работали/ он работал/она работала/оно работало
Формальные признаки: yesterday вчера/in 1995 в 1995/last day/week/month/year в прошлый день, неделе, месяце, году и т.д./two years ago два года назад и т.д.
N.B! Для правильных глаголов существуют следующие правила чтения и правописания форм простого прошедшего времени: Окончание – (e)d у правильных глаголов произносится как [t] после [d] после [id] после согласных звонких согласных/гласных глухих согласных -t/ -d e.g. looked[lυkt] e.g. planned[plænd] e.g wanted[‘wɒntid] смотрел планировал хотел e.g.finished [‘finiʃt] e.g. played[pleid] e.g.added [‘ædid] окончил играл добавил e.g. watched [‘wɒ:tʃt] e.g. followed [‘fɒləυd] e.g. selected[sə‘lektid] следил следовал выбирал Правильные глаголы, оканчивающиеся на букву - у, которой предшествует согласная, меняют букву - у на букву- i и принимают окончание-ed: e.g. to study (учиться) – he studiedон учился Если основа правильного глагола оканчивается на немое – е,то форма глагола в прошедшем простом времени образуется при помощи– d: e.g. to like любить – likedлюбил
для обозначе-ния реально-гофакта действия в будущем времени Будущее простое/неопределенное время (Future Simple/Indefinite Tense) Основная формулаshall + V (I /we) will + V (he/she/it/ you/they)
+ ?
I/We/ shall (‘ll)* You/ It/He He/ She/Theywill (‘ll)* work Shall Will I/We You/It/ They/ He/ She work?   I/We/ You//It/ They He/She shall not (shan’t) * will not (won’t)* work.
Перевод:Я буду работать/мы будем/ты будешь/они будут /он/она/оно будет работать
Формальные признаки: in 2012 в 2012/next day/week/month/year на следующий день/неделе/месяце, году и т.д./tomorrow завтра
N.B.! Будущее простое время не употребляется в придаточных предложениях условия и времени после союзов: If /Provided /Providing that /On condition that если In case в случае если/Unless если не / When когда В этих предложениях будущее простое времявыражается глаголами в настоящем времени, которые переводятся на русский язык глаголами будущего времени: e.g. The tourists will visit the sights of Wales*** tomorrow, if the weather is not rainy. Туристы осмотрят достопримечательности Уэльса завтра, если не будет дождя.

*Краткие формы глагола характерны для разговорной речи

**См. «Основные формы неправильных знаменательных смысловых глаголов»

***См.: Глоссарий «Социокультурной портрет Великобритании»

Упражнение 30. Выберите следующие предложения в Past Simple или Future Simple Tenses в соответствии с формальными признаками в скобках:

  1. We (to take part) in the Highland Games*. (last year)

a)We take part in the Highland Games last year.

b)We took part in the Highland Games last year.

c)We shall take part in the Highland Games last year.

  1. I (to go) to the Royal Albert Hall* every Sunday. (next year)

a)I shall go to the Royal Albert Hall every Sunday next year.

b)I go to the Royal Albert Hall every Sunday next year.

c)I went to the Royal Albert Hall every Sunday next year.

  1. This house (to cost) a lot. (two years ago)

a)This house cost a lot two years ago.

b)This house will cost a lot two years ago.

c)This house costs a lot two years ago.

  1. He (to play) the bagpipes regularly. (in his childhood)

a)He plays the bagpipe regularly in his childhood.

b)He played the bagpipe regularly in his childhood.

c)He will play the bagpipe regularly in his childhood.

  1. Every summer Barbara (to go) to the sea-side. (when she was young)

a)Every summer Barbara goes to the sea-side, when she was young.

b)Every summer Barbara went to the sea-side, when she was young.

c)Every summer Barbara goed to the sea-side, when she was young.

  1. I (to be) a student at Cambridge*. (in 1996)

a)He is a student at Cambridge in 1996.

b)He was a student at Cambridge in 1996.

c)He will be a student at Cambridge in 1996.

  1. What this sophomore* (to do) every morning (last week)?

a)What did this sophomore do every morning last week?

b)What does this sophomore do every morning last week?

c)What will this sophomore do every morning last week?

  1. He (do not study) the Irish language. (next academic year)

a)He doesn’t study the Irish language next academic year.

b)He didn’t study the Irish language next academic year.

c)He won’t study the Irish language next academic year.

  1. I (to give) you this book about J. Locke,* when I (to meet) you. (tomorrow)

a)I shall give you this book about J. Locke, when I meet you tomorrow.

b)I gave you this book about J. Locke, when I meet you tomorrow.

c)I shall give you this book about J. Locke, when I shall meet you tomorrow.

  1. The tourists usually (to travel) to Bath, when they (to arrive) to the UK.

a)The tourists usually travel to Bath, when they arrive to the UK.

b)The tourists usually travelled to Bath, when they arrived to the UK.

c)The tourists usually will travel to Bath, when they arrived to the UK.


*См.: Глоссарий «Социокультурный портрет Великобритании»


Упражнение 31. Выберите правильную форму глагола в настоящем времени:

Most journeys in Britain are made by road. Some of these are performed by public transport but most by cars. Many people rely on their car for daily local activities, e.g. getting to job, shops, visiting friends.

People living in urban areas 1underground buses, trains to get anywhere as the traffic is rather heavy, especially in the centre. Long-distance travel is also by road. Most places are linked by motorways or other fast roads, and many people2driving a car at their convenience than using a train; even they may get a stuck in a traffic jam. As the number of cars will increase by a third within a few years, the main problem with the road transport 3 in traffic congestion and pollution. The cheapest ways to travel are to walk or to ride a bicycle. In Oxford and Cambridge* bicycles are common, and many other cities and towns 4 special bicycle routes or cycle lanes beside the main road. A long distance bus or coach services 5 usually a cheaper alternative to trains, but may be less comfortable. The British 6long distance travels, especially on business by air.

There are regular flights between regional airports as well as between Heathrow and international airports. There is a lot of traffic in the streets of London. Most of London buses are red double-deckers* that 7two platforms for passengers.

There are also green one-storeyed buses, they 8 from London to country-side. Brown buses belong to the British railways. Be careful when you cross the street of London, because in Britain the traffic keeps to the left and not to the right as in European countries. When you 9to cross the street, look first to the right and then to the left.

The traffic lights are not like in Europe. The red light says «Stop», the green light 10«Wait» and the yellow light says «Cross». «Keep left» is the general rule in the UK. People cross the street at the black-and-white crossing, but if they are in a hurry they just run across at any place. Sometimes a policeman stops them. A pAolicemaan isis called «Bobby» there. PolicemenThey stand at street corners and regulateing the traffic.


* См.: Глоссарий «Социокультурной портрет Великобритании»


Traffic дорожное движение

To rely on полагаться (на)

Daily local activities повседневнaя жизнь

To live in urban area жить загородом

A long-distance travel междугородние рейсы

A motorway (fast road) скоростная трасса

At smb’s convenience для удобства кого-либо

To get a stuck in a traffic jam быть зажатым в уличной пробке

Traffic congestion and pollution перегруженный транспорт и загрязнение окружающей среды

1. a) use b) uses c) to use

2. a) prefers b) preferred c) prefer

3. a) exists b) exist c) to exist

4. a) has b) have c) had

5. a) is b) will bec)are

6. a) undertakes b) undertake c) to undertake

7. a) have b) has c) to have

8. a)runs b) ran c) run

9. a) will want b) wants c) want

10. a) says b) say c) to say

9.1.5. Система продолженных времен (Continuous Tenses)


Исполь-зование Когда?/ Как? Система продолженных времен (Continuous Tenses) Основная формула to be + Participle I
для обозна-чения реальногопроцесса действия в настоящем времени Настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous Tense) Основная формула to be (am, is, are) + Participle I
+ ?
Iam (’m)* We/You/ They аre (‘re)* He/She/It is (‘s)* working. Am Are Is I we/you they he/she/it working? I We/You/ They He/She/It am not (ain’t)* are not (aren’t)* is not (isn’t)* working
Перевод:Я работаю / мы работаем / ты работаешь / они работают / он/она/оно работает (сейчас, в данный момент, в момент речи и т.д.)
Формальные признаки:now сейчас/at this moment в этот момент/at 5 o’clock в 5 часов/at this time в это время
для обозна-чения реаль-ногопроцесса действияв прошед-шем времени Прошедшее продолженное время (Pаst Continuous Tense) Основная формула to be(was/ were) + Participle I
+ ?
We/You/ They were I/He/She/It was working. Were Was we/you they I/he/ she/it   working? I/He/She/It was not (wasn’t)* We/You/Theywere not (weren’t)* working.
Перевод:Мы работали/ты работал/Вы/вы работали/они работали/Я/он работал/она работала/оно работало в тот момент at that moment/в то время, когда…at that time when (в прошлом)
Формальные признаки: at that momentyesterday в тот момент вчера/at 5 o’clock yesterday в 5 часов вчера/at that time yesterday в то время вчера и т.д.
для обозна-чения реаль-ного процесса действия в буду-щем времени Будущее продолженное время (Future Continuous Tense) Основная формула shall be +Participle I(I/we) will be+Participle I(he/she/it/you/they)
+ ?
I/We shall (‘ll)* You/ They/ He/She/It will (‘ll)* be working. Shall Will I/we you/ they/ he/she/it be working? I/We shall not (shan’t) * He/You/It/She /They will not (won’t)* be working.
Перевод:Я буду работать / мы будем работать / ты будешь работать / Вы/вы будете работать / они будут работать / он/она/оно будет работать at that moment tomorrow в тот момент, в то время, когда… (в будущем)
Формальные признаки: at that moment tomorrow в тот момент завтра/ at 5 o’clock etc. в 5 часов вчера завтра и тд.
N.B.! Глаголы чувственного восприятия (to hear слышать; to see видеть to watch наблюдать etc.), умственной деятельности (to understand понимать; to remember помнить; to forget забывать ), чувств (to like нравиться to dislike не нравиться to hate ненавидеть to love любит), желания (to want хотеть to wish желать), принадлежности (to belong принадлежать to possess обладать to cost стоить), глагол to be как правило, не употребляются в Continuous Tenses. Значение длительности действия передается формами неопределенных времен: e.g. Do you hear what Mr. Picwick saying? Вы слышите, что говорит господин Пиквик? Формыглаголов вбудущем продолженном времени не употребляется в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов: If /Provided /Providing that /On condition that если /In case в случае если/Unless если не / When когда. В придаточных предложениях времени и условия будущее продолженное времявыражается глаголами в настоящем продолженном времени, которые переводятся на русский язык глаголами будущего продолженного времени: e.g. He will meet you in Kensington Gardens** on Monday next week, in case you are waiting for him from 4 till 5 p.m. Он встретит тебя в Кенсингтонском парке на следующей неделе в понедельник, если ты подождешь его с 4 до 5 часов во второй половине дня.

*Краткие формы глагола характерны для разговорной речи

** См.: Глоссарий «Социокультурной портрет Великобритании»

Упражнение 32. Назовите действие, выполняемое в определенный момент на картинках ниже:

1. Mary (to play) golf on the green. (now) a) Mary will be playing golf on the green. b) Mary was playing golf on the green. c) Mary is playing golf on the green.
2. Nick (to play) cricket. (yesterday) a) Nick will be playing cricket. b) Nick was playing cricket. c) Nick was playing cricket.
3. Glenda (to prepare) a report on English economics. (next week) a) Glenda prepare a report on English economics. b) Glendashall be preparing a report on English economics. c) Glenda will be preparing a report on English economics.
4. The English students (to discuss) Shakespeare’s play. (at this moment) a) The English students was discussing Shakespeare’s play. b) The English students were discussing Shakespeare’s play. c) The English students are discussing Shakespeare’s play.
5. Winnie-the Pooh*and his friends (to play) together. (last month) a) Winnie-the Pooh and his friends are playing together. b) Winnie-the Pooh and his friends to play together. c) Winnie-the Pooh and his friends were playing together.
6. A lot of tourists (to walk) on Trafalgar Square*. (tomorrow at noon) a) A lot of tourists were walking on Trafalgar Square. b) A lot of tourists are walking on Trafalgar Square. c) A lot of tourists will be walking on Trafalgar Square.
7. Look! The clouds (to float) above the Big Ben*. a) The clouds are floating above the Big Ben. b) The clouds will be floating the Big Ben. c) Theclouds float above the Big Ben.
8. The double-decker (to move) near the Royal Albert Hall*.(now) a) The double-decker move near the Royal Albert Hall. b) The double-decker was moving near the Royal Albert Hall. c) The double-decker were moving near the Royal Albert Hall.
9. The ship (to go) along the Thames*. (last night) a) The ship will be going along the River Thames. b) The ship was going along the River Thames. c) The ship is going along the River Thames.
10. Pay attention, how the Yeoman Warders* (to take part) in the ceremony! a) Yeoman Warders are taking part in the ceremony. b) Yeoman Warders take part in the ceremony. c) Yeoman Warders will be taking part in the ceremony.

*См.: Глоссарий «Социокультурной портрет Великобритании


Упражнение 33. Выберите правильный вариант предложений:


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