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Business has been revolutionized by the marriage of computers and communication systems.


What is multimedia? Multimedia is the interaction of audio, statistical and video information with the help of software working on a specially equipped personal computer.

There are a number of ways in which they can be used: programs of state or interfirm instruction and visual information, videoconferences, long-distance interactive instruction, access to different data banks, computer games, interactive fantastics and novels, and table video.

Irrespective of the type and purpose, multimedia programs are usually recorded on optical compact-discs. Quite a number of companies deal with the development, production and sale of training programs for children from three to eight years of age.

Fairly widespread are educational programs which help in studying the humanities, foreign languages, and raising the skills of oral speech and written language at secondary and higher educational institutions.

Sound is a significant component of multimedia. Therefore a large number of the producers of electronic equipment bring out audio plates for personal computers which have a high degree of integration of electronic components ensuring little noise and high sound quality.

The technology of sound synthesizers is built into multimedia plates like it is into electric musical instruments for the reproduction of music.

Special plates for recording video images make it possible to record in the computer images from TV sets, VCRs or video cameras.

Special graphic programs make it possible to edit a video image recorded in the computer. They also make it possible to create dynamic graphics and illustrations, work out photographs, scan images and create computer films.

Increasingly widespread are electronic catalogues and encyclopaedias on different branches of knowledge with the possibility of very quick search for necessary data with the help of different indexes and key words. Gradually all of this will be converted to electronic form with color, sound and motion.

Interfirm information in the shape of multimedia makes it possible to catalogue it, and make it visually attractive and, easily accessible to remote users via electronic mail.

One more advantage of this kind of information storage is the fact that this information can be easily and cheaply made into electronic publications recorded in the multimedia standard on compact-discs fit for circulation for both educational and commercial purposes.( 2 030 )



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