Многие глаголы в английском языке состоят из двух, или даже трёх слов. Даже если вы знаете значение каждого из этих слов, вы не всегда можете догадаться о значении глагола.
drop in – зайти к кому-то, навестить.
Вот таблица наиболее употребительных фразовых глаголов.
Phrasal verb
| Example
| Meaning
break down
| The car broke down at the weekend.
| stop functioning
bring up
| Children are brought up differently in other countries.
| educate in the family
воспитывать, растить
call back
| Could you call back tomorrow please?
| telephone again
call for
| I’ll call for you at 7 o’clock.
| collect
зайти (к кому-то, за кем-то)
call off
| They’ve called off the strike.
| cancel
отменить, аннулировать
carry on
| Are you going to carry on studying German?
| continue
catch up
| You set off – I’ll catch you up.
| hurry after and join
догонять, присоединяться
close down
| The factory closed down last year.
| close permanently
come from
| He comes from Bangladesh.
| was born in
быть родом (откуда-то), происходить
drop in
| Why not drop in on your way home from work?
| visit casually
зайти, забежать (куда-то)
eat out
| It’s nice to eat out for a change.
| eat in a restaurant
обедать вне дома ( в кафе, ресторане)
fall out
| Liz and Jack have fallen out again.
| quarrel
fall through
| I’m afraid our holiday plans have fallen through.
| collapse (plan, arrangement)
нарушиться, измениться (о планах, намерениях)
fill in
| Would you fill in your name and address please?
| complete (a form)
заполнить (бланк, форму)
find out
| I hope nobody finds out
| discover the truth
выяснить, узнать что-то
get back
| We got back from France last night.
| return
get off
| You get off at the end of East Street.
| leave the bus
выйти (из автобуса, трамвая, машины)
get on
| How are the children getting on at school
| succeed
успевать, добиваться успехов (в чём-то)
get on with
| I get on very well with him.
| agree, work well together
хорошо ладить с кем-то, уживаться
get out of
| I can’t get out of it.
| avoid
get over
| I had an operation but I’m getting over it now.
| recover
get round to
| I haven’t got round to writing to him yet.
| find time to do
get through
| Did you get through?
| make a successful phone call
get up
| I got up at 7 this morning.
| rise from bed
give up
| I know it’s difficult, but don’t give up.
| stop trying
go off
| I think the milk’s gone off.
| become bad (of food)
grow up
| Children grow up more quickly nowadays.
| mature
hang up
| She hung up on me!
| finish a phone call
have on
| You’re having me on!
| tease
дразнить (ся)
hold on
| Can you hold on a moment please?
| wait, particularly on the phone
keep up
| How long do you think they can keep that up?
| maintain, continue
knock down
| She was knocked down in First Avenue.
| be in a traffic accident
laugh at
| Are you laughing at me?
| be amused by
let down
| You won’t let me down, will you?
| disappoint
lie in
| I’m going to lie in in the morning.
| stay in bed
look after
| Who’s looking after the children?
| take care of
look at
| What are you looking at?
| examine carefully
look for
| They’re looking for 20 new staff.
| seek
look forward to
| I’m really looking forward to my holiday.
| anticipate with pleasure
look out for
| I’ll look out for you at the station.
| try to meet
look up
| You can look it up in the dictionary.
| seek information in a book
pack up
| It’s time to pack up and go home.
| stop
pay back
| If you lend me it I’ll pay you back tomorrow.
| return a debt
pay off
| He was paid off at the end of June.
| make redundant
pick up
| Can I pick you up at the station?
| collect (by car)
put off
| Shall we put it off until next week?
| delay
put off
| I hope I’m not putting you off.
| distract
put on
| Don’t forget to put your coat on.
| wear
put through
| Could you put me through to Mr. Wilson please?
| connect, on the telephone
put up
| Can I put you up for the weekend?
| accommodate
put up with
| I’m afraid you’ll just have to put up with it.
| tolerate
ring back
| Can you ring back please?
| re-telephone
run out of
| We’ve run out of sugar.
| (there’s no something left)
save up
| I’m saving up for my holiday.
| put aside money
откладывать, копить деньги
see off
| Can we see you off at the airport?
| go with to station, airport, etc.
провожать кого-то в дорогу
set off
| What time shall we set off?
| start a journey
отправиться в путешествие
settle down
| My mother thinks I should settle down.
| establish a regular home
осесть на постоянное жительство
show off
| Stop showing off!
| boast, look for compliments
хвастаться, проявлять себя
sleep in
| Sorry I’m late – I slept in.
| wake up late, oversleep
sort out
| These files need sorting out.
| arrange systematically
сортировать. раскладывать по порядку
stand up for
| You have to stand up for what you believe.
| defend
защищать, отстаивать
take after
| Carol takes after her father.
| resemble
быть похожим, перенимать чьи-то черты
take off
| Would you like to take your coat off?
| remove (clothes)
раздеваться, снимать одежду
take off
| What time do we take off?
| fly up (for a plane)
улетать, отправляться (о самолёте)
tell off
| I told the children off.
| reprimand
выговаривать, высказывать недовольство
think about
| What are you thinking about?
| consider
думать, считать, полагать
think of
| You should have thought of that earlier.
| pay attention to
подумать о чём-то, обратить внимание
think over
| I’d like to think it over for a while.
| consider carefully
обдумывать, продумывать
try on
| Could I try it on please?
| check clothes (for size)
примерять (одежду)
turn down
| His application has been turned down.
| refuse, reject
отклонять, отказывать
turn off
| Would you turn the tap off, please?
| stop
выключать что-либо
turn on
| Would you turn the television on please?
| switch on
включать что-либо
turn up
| I can’t hear it. Can you turn it up please?
| make louder (radio, TV)
сделать громче
wake up
| What time did you wake up?
| wake from sleep
просыпаться, пробуждаться
walk out
| The whole work force walked out.
| go on strike
бастовать, отказываться от работы
wash up
| Who’s going to wash up?
| wash dishes
мыть посуду
wear out
| These shoes have worn out very quickly.
| become old and unusable
wrap up
| Would you like me to wrap it up for you?
| put in paper