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Задания. Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Metric System and Its Origin

The idea of a universal system of measures and weights dates from long ago, but it was realized only two centuries ago. The metric or decimal system was worked out by the French Academy of Sciences in 1791. How were of the units for length and weight defined then?

Two French scientists who were given the task to define these units took one fourth of the distance from the North Pole to the Equator on the geographical meridian which is running through Paris (the distance from Dunkirk in France to Barcelona in Spain) and divided it into ten million equal parts. One of these parts was called a metre or “measure”. For shorter measurements the metrewas divided by ten, for longer things the metre was multiplied by tens.

It was easy to use the same metre for volume. The weight of one cubic centimetre of water was called a gramme. Thus the metric system was created.

Russian scientists played a great part in the spreading of the metric system in Russia as well as in other countries.

As far as in 1867 D.I. Mendeleyev addressed Russian scientists to help to spread the decimal system. The project of the law about the use of the metric system in Russia was also worked out by D.I. Mendeleyev.

However, till the end of the 19th century different units of measurement were used in various countries. In our country the metric system was adopted in 1918, soon after the revolution. Now it is adopted by most of the countries. None of the systems of the past can be compared in simplicity to that of our days.

Задание2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. When and where was the metric system worked out?

2. How did the French scientists define units?

3. How did they call the weight of one cubic centimeter?

4. Who played a great part in the spreading of the metric system?

5. When was the metric system adopted in Russia?

Вопросы к практическому занятию

1. Можете ли вы сказать, о чем текст, основываясь на заголовке? Выскажите предположения.

2. К какому стилю литературы относится предлагаемый текст? Обоснуйте свой выбор.

3. Изложите основное содержание текста.


Практическое занятие 16



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения общенаучными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению общенаучных текстов.

trend направление, тенденция

solve problems решать проблемы

apply применять

manufacture производство; производить

determine определять

location место

muscular мускульный

human-factor человеческий фактор

attract attention привлекать внимание

call in question подвергать сомнению


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