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Ex.5. Put the verb into Past Continuous or Past Simple.


Section 1. Grammar

Past Simple.

Past Continuous.

3. Pronouns some / any / a little / little / a few / few.

Past Simple. Past Continuous

Ex.1. Put one of these verbs in each sentence, use Past Simple.

buy catch cost drink fall hurt
sell spend teach throw win write

Example: Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

1. How did you learn to drive? – My father ­_________ me.

2. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we ________ it.

3. I was very thirsty. I __________ the water very quickly.

4. Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He’s much better than me,

so he _________ easily.

5. Don _________ down the stairs this morning and _________ his leg.

6. Jim __________ the ball to Sue, who __________ it.

7. Ann ___________a lot of money yesterday. She ________ a dress which

_________ 100 dollars.


Ex.2.A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it.

Write your questions.

Example: (Where / go?) Where did you go?

1. (go / alone?) ____________________________

2. (food / good?) ____________________________

3. (how long / stay there?) ____________________________

4. (stay / at a hotel?) ____________________________

5. (how / travel?) ____________________________

6. (the weather / fine?) ____________________________

7. (what / do in the evening?) ____________________________

8. (meet / anybody interesting?) ____________________________


Ex.3. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.


Example:It was warm, so I took off my coat. (to take)

The film wasn’t very good. I didn’t enjoy it very much. (to enjoy)

1. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I _________ her. (to disturb)

2. I was very tired, so I _________ to bed early. (to go)

3. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ________ very well. (to sleep)

4. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she _______ anything. (to eat)

5. We went to Kate’s house but she ________ at home. (to be)

6. It was a funny situation but nobody _________. (to laugh)

7. The window was open and a bird ________ into the room. (to fly)

8. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It ________ very much. (to cost)

9. I was in a hurry, so I _________ time to phone you. (to have)

Ex.4. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences in Past Continuous.

Example: Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking dinner.

1. The door bell rang while I _________________________.

2. We saw an accident while we ______________________.

3. Mary fell asleep while she _________________________.

4. The television was on but nobody ___________________.

5. When I came home, my sister ______________________.


Ex.5. Put the verb into Past Continuous or Past Simple.

Example: A: What were you doing? (you / to do) when the phone rang (to ring)?

B: I was watching (to watch) television.

1. A: Was Jane busy when you went to see her?

B: Yes, she ____________ (to study).


2. A: What time ____________ (the post / to arrive) this morning?

B: It arrived at 9.


3. A: Was Margaret at work today?

B: No, she __________ (not / to go) to work. She was ill.


4. A: How fast _________ (you / to drive) when the police ________ (to stop) you?

B: I don’t know exactly but I ___________ (not / to drive) very fast.


5. A: ___________ (your team / to win) the football match yesterday?

B: No, the weather was very bad, so we __________ (not / to play).


6. A: How _________ (you / to break) the window?

B: We _________ (to play) football. I ___________ (to kick) the ball at it

and _________ (to hit) the window.


7. A: __________ (you / to see) Jenny last night?

B: Yes, she _________ (to wear) a very nice jacket.


8. A: What ___________ (you / to do) at 2 o’clock this morning?

B: I was asleep.


9. A: I _________ (to lose) my key last night.

B: How __________ (you / to get) into your room?

A: I __________ (to climb) in through the window.


Some / any / a little / little / a few / few


Ex.1. Put insome / any.


Example: I bought some cheese but I didn’t buy any bread.

1. I’m going to the post office. I need _______ stamps.

2. There aren’t __________ shops in this part of town.

3. George and Alice haven’t got _______ children.

4. Have you got _________ cats or dogs?

5. There are ____________ beautiful flowers in the garden.

6. Do you know __________ good hotels in Moscow?

7. Would you like _______ tea? – Yes, please.

8. I went out to buy _______ milk but they didn’t have ______ in the shop.

9. I’m thirsty. Can I have _______ water, please?



Ex.2.Put in articlesa / anor pronouns some / any ifnecessary.

1. I usually smoke ______ cigarettes or _______ pipe. My father smokes _______ cigars.

2. Give me _______ match, please.

3. Are there _______ matches in the box?

4. Is there ________ bookshop in this street? I want to buy ______ books.

5. ______ watchmaker repairs ________ watches and _______clocks.

6. There is ______ sofa and ______ armchair in this room.

7. Did you buy ________ boots or ________ shoes?

8. Andrew is _________ accountant. He is _______ chief of the bookkeeping

department of ________ large organization.

9. Mr. Ivanov is _______ architect; his two brothers are _______ engineers.

10. There are _______ books and ________ magazines on the table.

11. Which would you like: ______ apple or ________ orange?

12. Which would you like: ______ apples or ________ oranges?

13. Will you please give me ______ pen and ______ sheets of paper?

14. Is there ________ letter for me?

15. Are there _________ letters for us?

16. What _____ strange man!

17. What _______ interesting books!

Ex.3. Translate into English usingmuch / many / few / a few / little / a little.


много молока __________________ мало света _______________
мало воды __________________ несколько человек _______________
немного масла __________________ мало денег _______________
мало друзей __________________ много яиц _______________
много соли __________________ немного воздуха _______________
мало радости __________________ мало комнат _______________
много игрушек __________________ много работы _______________
мало сосисок __________________  



Ex.4. Put in a little / a few.

It’s mother’s favourite recipe for fruitcake, and everybody says it’s out of this world!


1. Put 3 cups of flour into a mixing bowl.

2. Add _________ sugar.

3. Slice _________ apples.

4. Cut up __________ oranges.

5. Pour in __________ honey.

6. Add _________ baking soda.

7. Chop up __________ nuts.

8. Add ___________ salt.

9. Mix in _________ raisins.

10. Bake for 45 minutes. Enjoy, dear!



Ex.5. Put inlittle / few.


1. He has got _________ friends.

2. I drink __________ coffee. I don’t like it.

3. We must hurry. We’ve got very ________ time.

4. There are very _______ scholarships for students in this university.

5. The theatre was almost empty. There were very _______ people there.

6. There was ________ lemonade in the bottle.

7. There were _________ peaches in the basket.

8. She has __________ time, so she can’t go with you.

9. There is too _____ soup in my plate. Give me some more, please.




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