

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Ex.8. Write the sentences in the plural.


Section 1. Grammar

1. To be(negatives, questions). 4. Plurals of Nouns.

2. Article a / an. 5. Possessive Case.

Pronouns. 6. Adjectives.

Ex.1. Complete the sentences witham /’m not / is / isn’t / are / aren’t.

1. Are you Peter’s sister? Yes, I_______.

2. My daughter_______ seventeen years old.

3. They________both very good singers.

4. Rome________in Spain.

5. Diamonds_________cheap.

6. _________ your boyfriend from Vienna?

7. _________Johannes and Roberto students?

8. The examination_________ (not) difficult. It ________ easy.

9. I_________ (not) a businessman, I_________a manager.

10. The shops__________ (not) open today, they _________ closed.



Ex.2. Write short answers.

1. Are you English? ___________________ 2. Are you a student? ___________________ 3. Is your teacher married? ___________________. 4. Is it Friday today? ___________________ 5. Is English difficult? ___________________ 6. Are you hot? ___________________ 7. Are you on holiday now? ___________________ 8. Is London in the USA? ___________________ 9. Are you twenty years old? ___________________



Ex.3. Complete the dialogue.

A: (1) _________your name?

B: Evans.

A: And your first name?

B: Anne.

A: Where______ (2) from?

B: Scotland.

A: (3) _________your address?

B: 112 George Street, Glasgow.

A: What’s your job?

B: (4) ________a teacher.

A: How old (5) _______?

B: I’m twenty – nine.

A: And (6) __________married?

B: Yes, I am.

A: Is your husband from Scotland, too?

B: No, (7) _________. He’s Welsh.

A: Where (8) ______from?

B: Swansea.

A: How old (9) ________ your children?

B: Seven and five.

A: (10) _______boys or girls?

B: Both boys.

A: OK. Thank you very much.



Ex.4. Read aboutMary Hopkins.

Surname – Hopkins First name- Mary Country – England Job – Journalist Address– 35, North Street, Bristol Phone number – 0272 478 2209 Age - 23 Married? – No



Complete the questions.

1. What’s her surname? Hopkins

2. _______her first name? Mary.

3. _______she________? England.

4. _______________job? She’s a journalist.

5. What’s____________? 35 North Street, Bristol.

6. ____________phone number? 0272 478 2209.

7. How old___________? Twenty-three.

8. Is she_____________? No, she isn’t.


Ex.5. Complete the sentences with one word from each column.


Example: A Cadillac is an American car.



A American camera

An international city

French car

Swiss university

English language

Japanese watch

German washing machine

Italian drink

1. Champagne is _______________.

2. A Rolex is _______________.

3. Oxford is _______________.

4. English is _______________.

5. Milan is _______________.

6. A Mercedes is _______________.

7. A Pentax is _______________.

8. A Bosch is _______________.


Ex.6. Write the plural forms of the nouns.

Example:girl – girls, house – houses.

1. car ______________ 2. glass ______________ 3. dictionary ______________ 4. woman ______________ 5. family ______________ 6. address _______________ 7. person _______________ 8. key _______________ 9. sandwich _______________ 10. baby ________________

Ex.7. Give the singular of the following words.

Example:boys – boy, wolves – wolf.

brushes ______ halves ______ men _______ mountains _______
inches ______ bodies ______ eyes _______ gentlemen _______
leaves ______ boxes _____ flies _______ churches _______
armies ______ teeth _____ foxes ______ knives _______
nurses _______      


Ex.8. Write the sentences in the plural.

Example: This is a king. These are kings.

1. This is a star. ______________________________

2. That is a football. ______________________________

3. Is that a train? ______________________________

4. This is a flower. ______________________________

5. Is the window open? ______________________________

6. It is a cat. ______________________________

7. The woman is in the car. ______________________________

8. The girl is in the picture. ______________________________

9. This dictionary is thick. ______________________________


Ex.9. WritePif –’s - Possession. Writeisif –’s - is.

Examples: John’s car is new. P

It’s a Mercedes. Is

1. It’s cold today. ________

2. Mike’s an economist. ________

3. Jane’s husband is thirty-five. ________

4. My sister’s in Moscow now. ________

5. It’s in the centre. ________

6. Peter’s hungry. ________

7. He’s from Russia. ________



Ex.10. Write the phrases with –’s - orof- phrase.


Example: The plane / the king the king’s plane

The door / the building the door of the building

1. the room / the girls _____________________________
2. the beginning / the film _____________________________
3. the suit / the waiter _____________________________
4. the cottage / my parents _____________________________
5. the football / the boy _____________________________
6. the meaning / the word _____________________________
7. the dresses / the women _____________________________
8. the top / the page _____________________________
9. the umbrella / Mr. Green _____________________________
10. the cause / the problem _____________________________
11. the garage / her cousin ______________________________


Ex.11. Writemy / his / her / our / their.


1. Is this Miss Brown’s coat? – No, it’s not. ______ coat is grey.

2. Are these your pens? – No, they’re not. ______ pens are blue.

3. Is this Mr. Jackson’s hat? – No, it’s not. _______ hat is black.

4. Are these the children’s books? No, they’re not. _______books are red.

5. Is this Mrs. David’s dog? – No, it’s not. ______ dog is brown and white.

6. Is this your father’s tie? – No, It’s not. _______tie is orange.



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