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Lesson 4. Stress, intonation, rhythm

I. Stress (наголос) is a greater degree of force and loudness given to certain syllables in words. Stressed syllables (наголошені склади) are strong, loud, and clear. Unstressed syllables (ненаголошені склади) are weak, short, and less distinct (менш чіткі).

Primary stress(головний наголос) is the strongest stress that is given to a syllable in a word. Secondary stress (другорядний наголос) is weaker than primary stress but stronger than absence of stress.

The same stress (однаковий наголос):

ofFEND (verb) – ofFENCE (noun)

reVIEW (noun) – reVIEW (verb)

PREview (noun) – PREview (verb)

HOSpital (noun) – HOSpitalize (verb)

Shift of stress (зсув наголосу):

preSENT (verb) – PRESent (noun)

reFER (verb) – REFerence (noun)

exTRACT (verb) – EXtract (noun)

inCREASE (verb) – INcrease (noun)


II. Intonation is a certain pattern of pitch changes in speech (Інтонація – це модель зміни висоти тону в процесі мовлення). Intonation organizes words into sentences, distinguishes between different types of sentences (statements (розповідні), questions (питальні), commands (спонукальні), requests (прохання)), and adds emotional coloring to utterances (додає емоційного забарвлення висловлюванням).

Falling intonation(низхідна, спадна інтонація) and rising intonation (висхідна інтонація) are the two basic types.

1. Falling intonation is the most common type of standard unemphatic (неемфатичної) intonation in English. It is used on the last stressed syllable of the sentence in:

1.1. Statements (розповідних реченнях)

We live in \MOScow.

She is ten years \OLD.

He doesn't have a \CAR.

1.2. Special questions(питаннях спеціального типу)

Where do you \LIVE?

When did you \CALL him?

How much \IS it?

What are you \READing?

1.3. Commands(спонукальних реченнях)

Close your books and \LISten.

Turn left at the \POST office.

1.4. Exclamatory sentences(окличних реченнях)

What a wonderful sur\PRISE!

How \NICE of you!

1.5. Alternative questions(питаннях альтернативного типу)

Do you want /COFfee or \TEA?

Would you like to go for a /WALK or would you rather stay \HOME?


2. Rising intonation in English can express various emotions, such as non-finality, incompleteness, question, surprise, doubt and others. It is used in:

2.1. General questions(питаннях загального типу)

Do you go there /OFten?

Was she glad to /SEE him?

Have you read this /BOOK?

Are you ready to /START?

2.2. Introductory phrases(вступні фрази)

According to his /WORDS, he met that girl at the \TENnis club.

All of a /SUDden, the girl started to \CRY.

2.3. Alternative questions(питаннях альтернативного типу)

Would you like an /APple or a \PEAR?

Does he speak /ENGlish or \GERman?

2.4. Direct address(звертання)

/TOM, could you /HELP me, please?

/SIR, you dropped your \NOTEbook.

2.5. Enumerating(перелічування)

/One, /two, /three, /four, \five.

She bought /bread, /cheese, and to\MAtoes.

P.S. Tag questions (роз’єднувальні речення) Інтонація у роз’єднувальних реченнях залежатиме від впевненості мовця у позитивній відповіді на питання.

It's a beautiful \TOWN, /ISN'T it? (The speaker thinks that the town is beautiful but asks for your opinion and confirmation.)

It's a beautiful \TOWN, \ISN'T it? (The speaker is sure that the town is beautiful and expects you to agree.)


III. Rhythm is "stressed – unstressed – stressed – unstressed" pattern (Ритм – це модель чергування наголошених і ненаголошених складів). English is a very rhythmical language, which means that stressed syllables in speech occur at regular intervals (наголошені склади з’являються через рівні інтервали).


KEVin deCIDed to SEND a LETter to his RELatives in the \VILlage.



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