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Steps of the lesson

Lesson 1

Theme: The Advertising Game

Class: 10b

Teacher: Maljuhina Alla

Level: Intermediate

Subject: English lesson

Time: 40 min

Material: Opportunities. Intermediate. Students’ Book. Language Powerbook

Lesson 16. Cassette

Visual aids: the coursebook, flashcards

Teaching materials: pictures on the theme, cards, posters, tape-recording, computer, etc

Skills. Speaking: describing adverts, to discuss advertising, to practise asking for and giving advice

Pair work. Group discussion

Reading: finding an answer

Listening: interrupting people

Grammar: to train students in using the grammatical structure 'to have/get something done'

Writing: describe adverts, create(write) your own advert


Aims of the lesson

· to promote positive attitudes to foreign languages and cultures

· to develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills

· to develop language competence necessary for further study, work and leisure

Objectives of the lesson

· to practise communication skills

· to speak about a chosen advert

· to identify paragraph topics in a reading text

· to describe adverts

· to develop students' ability to negotiate in a group and work in a team

· to practise word stress

· to show interest when interacting

· to discuss advertising

· to practise asking for and giving advice

· to practise using 'to have/get something done'

· to write an advert

Teaching techniques

· individual work

· discussion

· pair, group work

· activities for listening/speaking/reading/writing skills development


The outline of the lesson

1. The beginning of the lesson.

Warming-up exercises(2 min).

2. Phonetic drills(2 min).

The body of the lesson.

3. Revision of the material learned before. Checking up a hometask(2 min).

Presentation of a new material.

4. Dictionary work. Key Word Bank. Writing(2 min).

5. Speaking(2 min).

6. Description(2 min).

7. Pre-reading task(2 min).

8. Reading(5 min).

9. Answer the following questions(2 min).

10. Post-reading task(2 min).

11. Grammar(5 min).

12. A relaxation pause(2 min).

13. A role-play(2 min).

14. Listening task(2 min).

15. Speaking. Communication Workshop(3 min).

16. Home assignment(1.5min).

17. Marks. Summing up of the material learned(1.5min).

Evaluation. The end of the lesson. Saying goodbye!

Steps of the lesson

Activities Description Time

1. Warming-up. Teacher’s tuning(2 min).

How are you? Busy day, isn’t it? Nice/nasty weather, isn’t it?

Did you get up early/come on foot/by bus? Was it OK?


2. Phonetic drills(2 min).

Every lesson we start with phonetic drills. Our part of the lesson(it takes us some minutes) is: 'Brush up your phonetics.'

We ask our students: 'Have you got a favourite English word?'

Our favourite word is bananas. It sounds perfect.

Repeat after the teacher the proverb: 'No song, no supper.'

The body of the lesson.

3. Revision of the material learned before. Checking up a hometask(2 min).

Presentation of a new material.

4. Key Word Bank. Dictionary work(2 min).

Exercise 1, p.52 SB

The teacher writes the Key Words on the blackboard and explains their meanings to the students.

Key Words

amusing, clever, offensive, serious, shocking, tasteless

Writing. Students write the Key Words and other new words into their notebooks.

Words to be learned(47 words)

1. amusing 2. boring 3. offensive 4. attractive 5. brilliant 6. ridiculous 7. shocking 8. tasteless 9. unusual   10. jeweller 11. cleaner 12. plumber 13. tailor 14. butcher 15. dentist 16. baker 17. optician 18. musician 19. laundry 20. advertisement 21. popularity 22. celebrity 23. celebration 24. publicity 25.unemployment 26. pollution 27. evacuation   28. turn on 29. turn off 30. turn up 31. turn down 32. turn over 33. turn away 34. celebrate 35. consolidate 36. advertise 37. attract 38. all-night 39. half-shaved 40. hand-made 41. hard-hitting 42. high fat 43. late-night 44. long-haired 45.old-fashioned 46. well-known 47. two-hour


Students do exercise 1, lesson 16 from Language Powerbook. The Word Corner on page 45 practises vocabulary(jobs, shops and services).

Exercise 4 practises the compound adjectives.

Key Word Bank. Exercise 2, page 47 – word-building exercise. MindMapping.


5. Speaking(2 min). The teacher asks the students to give their reactions to the advertisements

on the page 52 using the Key Words or other adjectives if they wish.

Group work. In groups of 3–4 people students discuss the advertisements.

Students find out if their reactions are the same or different to each advertisement.

Feedback from the whole class. Cooperative learning. Jigsaw puzzle.


6. Description(2 min). Exercise 2(p.52 SB). Students read the example sentence about the tea advert. Then the students describe some adverts they see on TV or in magazines.

The teacher shows her favourite adverts. Her favourite advert is Sita Healthcare and

Learning System. The teacher shows two adverts.

The students look at the adverts, read and study them at home(additional material).


7. Pre-reading task(2min).

Exercise 3(p.52 SB). Before reading the text the teacher tells the students to read the questions so they know what information they are looking for in the text.

Answer the following questions in your own words:

1. Why were the Micra car and low-fat food adverts successful?

2. What is the joke with the frying pan advert?

3. Why do charity adverts have a problem holding people’s attention?


8. Reading(5min). Students read the text Shock Tactics.


9. Answer the following questions(2 min). Students’ answers:

1. They make us think because the picture is unusual. When we have worked out the puzzle, we remember what it was advertising.

2. The advertisement is not about women killing husbands with frying pans but

the dangers of eating fried food.

3. There is a lot of suffering in the world and people take no notice of the advertisement.


10. Post-reading task(2 min). Exercise 4(p.52 SB). Students work in pairs finding the compound adjectives in the text. Students’ answers: half-shaved, high-fat food, hard-hitting tactics.

Students read the quote and discuss if they think advertising is an art form.


'Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century.'

Marshal McLuhan

Then the teacher asks students what other art forms there are. Students answer: dance, music, painting, sculpture.


11. Grammar. Doctor Grammar(5 min). Exercise 5(p.53 SB). Presentation of the structure

'to have/get something done'. In the text we can see this structure. For example, in the Micra advert,


when we see a half-shaved head, we want to know why the man has had his hair cut like that. Students discover this grammar structure themselves.

Exercise 5. Students work in pairs, reading the speech bubbles and matching the texts

with the advertisements.

Then students read the answers. Teacher checks pronunciation and understanding of abbreviations. Students answer:

1. computer/Shropshire Computer Services

2. hair cut/Ken’s Stylists

3. car serviced/Temeside Garage

4. bike repaired/Bill’s Bike Repairs

Grammar Practice. Writing. Exercise 6(p. 53 SB). Students look back at exercise 5 and complete

the sentences in the box. Then students read the sentences aloud:

Next month, I’m going to (1) get my bike repaired.

I had my hair (2) cut last week.

We think we’ll (3) have the car serviced this week.

I need to (4) get the hard disk (5) upgraded.

Discover grammar. Exercise 7(p. 53 SB). The teacher does the first two items with the whole class. Then students continue the exercise working individually. Students complete the rule

to the structure(to have/get something done): 'We will ask someone to do it for us.' Then the teacher refers students to Grammar Summary 8(p. 126). Students study this Grammar Summary at home.

A poster is on the blackboard:

1. I fixed the washing machine.(I did it myself.)

2. I had my washing machine fixed.(I asked someone to fix it for me.)


12. A relaxation pause(2min). An action game.

Stand up! Sit down!

Touch something brown!

Clap 3 times!

Nod your heads!

Stamp your feet!


Shake your hands!


13. Role-play(2 min). Exercise11(p.53 SB). Students work in pairs, asking for and giving advice. Then act the dialogue out(6 pairs).

1. A: The roof leaks. How can I get it repaired?

B: You need to go to a good builder.

2. A: My watch has stopped. How can I get it fixed?

B: You need to go to a good jeweller’s.

3. A: My trousers are too long. How can I get them shortened?

B: You need to go to a good tailor’s.

4. A: I’ve lost my only key. How can I get another one cut?

B: You need to go to a good ironmonger’s.

5. A: I don’t have a valid passport. How can I get it renewed?

B: You need to go to the Passport Office.

6. A: There is no running water in their house. How can they get it connected?

B: They need to go to a good plumber.


14. Listening task(2 min). Exercise 1(p.55 SB). Students listen to the cassette to find out which adverts Liz thinks are the sexist and who interrupts rudely.

After listening to the cassette students answer:

1. The car advert and the TV advert for washing powder are the sexist.

2. Liz interrupts rudely.


15. Speaking(3min). Communication Workshop. Production. Students look at the adverts(p.55 SB) and discuss the magazine adverts and advertising in general using Key Words, Useful language and Model answers.

We ask students which advertisements they think are

the cleverest,

the most amusing,

the most offensive,

the most serious,

the most shocking and

the most tasteless.

Students answer using Key Words, Useful language and Model answers(p.55).

The teacher thinks that the Micra advert is the most amusing.


16. Home assignment(1.5 min). The teacher explains the task:

– to read p.55 SB & the adverts(additional material),

– to write ex. 1,2,3 LP,

– to write(create) your own advert. The students write the hometask into their diaries.


17. Summing up of the material learned(1.5 min). At the end of the lesson the teacher together with the students revises the learned vocabulary.

Then the teacher makes comments on marking. Evaluation. The end of the lesson.

Saying goodbye!


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