

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Steps of the lesson. Activities Description Time

Activities Description Time

1. Warming-up. Teacher’s tuning(2 min).

Teacher Students

1. Good morning! 1. Good morning!

2. Who is on duty today? 2. I am on duty today.

3. What date is it today? 3. It is… today.

4. What day is it today? 4. It is… today.


Brain activator: students write three sentences in their notebooks what they see,

hear and feel in the classroom.

2. Phonetic drills(2 min).

Look at these words! Listen to the words. After listening we’ll ask you which words are pronounced as 'were' and which as 'wear'?

The following words are pronounced like 'were':

burglar, early, work, person, earth, word, thirsty, bird, first, third, her, fur, prefer.

The following words are pronounced like 'wear':

parents, railway, where, there, chair, pair, hair, care, bear, air, stair, share.

The body of the lesson.

Revision of the material learned before.

Checking up a hometask(1 min).

Presentation of a new material.


3. Listening task(2 min). Exercise 1(p. 57 SB)

Students listen to the three pieces of music and discuss how each piece makes them feel and what

it makes them think of. Then students find out which piece is preferred by the majority of the class.


4. Writing(2 min). Exercise 2(p.57 SB)

Students work in pairs, making a list of the Irish singers, writers and actors they know.

Reading. Students read the text and add more names to their lists. Then students choose

some of the names(B. Shaw and O. Wilde) and tell the class what they know about them.


5. Read and match(2 min). Exercise 3(p.57 SB)

Students read the text and match the titles with the paragraphs. Students check their answers,

read out the part of the paragraph which introduces the topic.

Students answer:

1. Dance Music

2. Worldwide Success

3. Traditional Instruments

4. Irish Writers

5. Irish Cinema


6. Question-answer sessions(2 min). Exercise 4(p.57 SB). Pair work.

Students read the text again and answer the questions. When checking students’ answers,

the teacher asks them to correct false statements. Students answer:

1f 2F 3F 4T 5T


7. Vocabulary work(4 min).

Words to be learned(20 words)

1. veteran 2. venue 3. pub 4. powers 5. praise 6. fund   7. peat 8. dolomite 9. limestone 10. gypsum 11.clay 12. sand 13. lizard 14. towel 15. yacht 16. coconuts 17. view 18. exposition 19. relevant 20. flexibility


Exercise 5(p.57 SB)

Students match the words with the definition.

After checking students’ answers, the teacher asks them to use the words in new sentences.

Students answer:

veteran /b

venue /c

pub /a

powers /d

praise /f

fund /e


8. A relaxation pause(1 min). A song of the group Spice girls.

Researchers have concluded that cultural activity may add years to your life. The cinema, theatre and concerts may give us a longer life because they stimulate strong emotions.


9. Grammar(4 min).

Language Problem – Solving 2

Article the. Exercise(p. 58 SB). We look at the table on page 128 with our students and draw their attention to the first column showing whether the is used.

Students read the text and complete the table, adding their own examples in the final column.

The teacher asks students if they have found any exceptions in using article the with countries.

Our students answer:

The United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Hague.

Writing. Grammar practice. Exercise 2(p.58 SB). Students do this exercise working individually and then compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class.


10. Movement game(1 min). Stand up! Sit down! Touch something brown! Clap three times! Nod your heads! Stamp your feet! Dance! Shake your hands!


11. Complete the table. Reading and speaking(4 min). Exercise 3(p. 58 SB)

Students work in pairs, reading the text about Scotland and then working in groups of four to six students write a similar text about Latvia.


12. Speaking. Find the differences(4 min).

When travelling to different countries, the learner can go to the beach.

We ask the class about the different things they would expect to see/do on the beach.

We brainstorm a list of nouns/verbs and write these on the board.

Pair work. Students are given two pictures to compare and contrast, but they do not need to describe the picture in detail.

Students are also asked to talk about other aspects of the pictures:

– how the people in the picture feel,

– how the students would feel if they were in the same situation.

Our students find the differences.

These are the differences in picture B:

The lizard is climbing down the tree trunk, not up.

The man on the towel is sitting up, not lying down.

He isn’t wearing sunglasses.

The stripes on the towel are running along the length of the towel, not across it.

The bottle is lying on its side.

The yacht with B13 on its sail is ahead of the yacht with 30 on its sail.

The ball player on the left is wearing a hat, while the player on the right is bare-headed.

The aeroplane is flying from the right to the left, not from the left to the right.

The island is in the distance – it isn’t so close to the beach.

There are no coconuts on the tree.



13. Home assignment(2 min).

The teacher explains the hometask. Students write the hometask into their diaries:

– to read ex. 6(p. 56 SB),

– to write ex. 4,5(p. 56 SB),

– to write Useful expressions crossword(additional material). The teacher gives the students

a copy of the crossword grid and a set of cards. The teacher explains that on each card there is

an expression that the students might find useful in the Speaking Test of the FCE. The function

of that expression(agreeing with somebody) is also given. The missing word the teacher wrote

in each expression. At home they should write the missing word in the appropriate space

on the crossword grid. To help them, the first letter of each word has been put in the grid.


14. Summing up of the material learned. Marking(2 min).

At the end of the lesson the teacher together with her students revises the learned vocabulary. Then

the teacher comments on marking. Saying goodbye!




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