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Provide the proper epoch to the following descriptions.

Practical class № 2 (History)


1. Answer and discuss the following questions:

1. Characterize briefly the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.

2. What is Haddrian Wall?

3. What do you know about “Dark Ages”?

4. Dwell upon the Battle of Hastings

5. What did mark the collapse of English feudalism?

6. Who brought together the first real parliament?

7. Characterize literature, church and culture in 12-20th centuries.

8. Describe Tudor Parliament

9. Dwell upon the causes and results of Civil War.

10. What is Jacobitism?

11. How can you characterize the House of Hanover?

12. When was Ireland granted legislative independence?

13. Trace the population growth from the very beginning till the 21st century.

14. Britain and the Rise of Science in the 18th century.

15. 'Peterloo' and Waterloo trace the difference\similarity.

16. The Chartist Movement. Provide the basic information.

17. Great Britain in WWI and WWII.

18. Great Depression – economic weakness in Britain.


2. Match the following words and word combinations to their correct meaning:

1. long barrows

2. causewayed

3. hillforts

4. Raths

5. crannogs

6. brochs

7. civitates

8. honestiores

9. humiliores

10. Methodism


a. artificial islands constructed of stone and timber

b. a new religious movement which offered hope and self-respect to the new proletariat.

c. the earliest ceremonial monuments

d. settlements in western and northern Britain and Ireland.

e. large stone structures, often surrounded by smaller roundhouses, built during the Iron Age in Scotland.

f. the first large communal tombs

g. local government areas

h. masses

i. large bank and ditch enclosures in prominent positions in the landscape.

j. upper rank of citizens

Provide the proper epoch to the following descriptions.

1. A period of massive social change, burgeoning nationalism, international conflict, terrible natural disaster, climate change, rebellion, resistance and renaissance.

2. One of the most tumultuous periods in British history - years of civil war, assassination attempts, usurpations, national disaster and revolution.

3. A glorious period in English history, building the foundations of a wealthy nation state and a powerful monarchy; a magnificent court was kept and the Church in England truly English by breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church was made. The glory to the new state by defeating the powerful navy of Spain was brought; one of the greatest artistic periods in its history.

4. War in Afghanistan and Iraq, and terrorist attacks at home. In the General Election, the Labour Party won a 2nd successive victory, though voter turnout dropped to the lowest level for more than 80 years. Later that year, the September 11th attacks in the United States led to American President George W. Bush launching the War on Terror, beginning with the invasion of Afghanistan aided by British troops.

5. During this era, Britain could claim to be the world's superpower, despite social inequality at home and burgeoning industrial rivals overseas. Britain seemed impervious to revolutionary change. Though every other aspect of British life was transformed by industrial, social and cultural development, the country's rulers seemed somehow to avoid the mistakes of their continental counterparts.

6. Before the end of this century Britain was as powerful as France. This resulted from the growth of its industries and from the wealth of its large new trading empire, part of which had been captured from the French. Britain had the strongest navy in the world; the navy controlled Britain’s own trade routes and endangered those of its enemies.

7. At the start of this century Britain was still the greatest world power. By the middle of the century, although still one of the “Big Three”, Britain was clearly weaker than either the United States or the Soviet Union. By the end of the century Britain was no longer a world power at all, and was not even among the richest European powers. Near the end of the century Britain has lost much of its earlier self-confidence. Britain still has some valuable advantages: the discovery of oil in the North Sea.

4. Find the correspondence in these two columns and provide the system of measuring:


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