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Assignments. Theme. Functional styles

Practice 1

Theme. Functional styles


Aims:to give a definition of style; to identify functional styles in English and Ukrainian; to learn to differentiate between different functional styles; to learn to define the style of the text.



1. General considerations.

2. The style of official documents.

3. The style of scientific prose.

4. The newspaper style.

5. The publicistic style.

6. The belletristic style.

7. Literary colloquial style and informal colloquial style.

8. Special colloquial English.



Literature recommended

1. Мороховский А. Н., Воробьева О. П. и др. Стилистика английс­кого языка. - К, 1991. - С. 235-266.

2. Арнольд И. В. Стилистика современного английского языка. -М., 1990.-С. 243-288.

3. Кузнец М. Д., Скребнев Ю. М. Стилистика английского языка. -Л., I960.-С. 118-139.

4. Galperin I. R. Stylistics. - Moscow, 1981. - P. 249-318.

5. Maltzev V. A. Essays on English stylistics. - Minsk, 1984. - P. 89-109.



1. Define functional style features of the following passages:

1)Satellite communication systems, like other wireless communication systems, convey information using electromagnetic waves. Since radio was the first practical application of wireless technology, we may refer to them as radio waves.

2)'Never you mind what they say, dear', said Mrs. Hodges.I’ve 'ad to go through it same as you 'ave. They don't know any better, poor things. You take my word for it, they'll like you all right if you 'old your own same as I'ave'. (W. S. Maugham)


Last Tuesday, ten Melitopol machine building plants employing 22,000 workers came to a standstill. The enterprises are lacking the funds required to pay for 50% of electricity consumed according to the latest government's decision. This will entail an automatic suspension of allocations into the state budget and a further increase in arrears of wages and salaries. The Board of Melitopol Directors sent a telegram to the President and the Cabinet asking the government to suspend the decision and keep the payment procedure un­changed for a three months period, The Day's Victor Puzhaicheredareports.

4) The Petrivka book market:

Alive & Kicking

Text:Tetiana Honcharova

For several years there have been persistent rumours that Kyiv's most popular makeshift book market Petrivka is nearing its end.But it is alive and shows no signs of deterioration, although rumours persist. Peo­ple were especially worried after the so-called Book Square opened on Plosh-cha Slavy [Victory Sq.]. Petrivka enemies were rubbing their hands in antic­ipation, but their expectations were not to be rewarded. Petrivka staggered under the blow but survived.

After all, what better place is there for the local book, video and CD lovers? Petrivka offers a stunning assortment and the prices are more or less affordable. [...]


5) CONTRACT№ ...

Horlivka July 17, ...

Parties to this Contract are:

Horlivka open-type Stockholding Company "CONCERN STIROL" here­inafter referred to as the "Seller" represented by Mr Rachinsky acting on the basis of the Statute from one part, the firm "S. E. R. С L." hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer" represented by its President Mr Roland Hytter-haegen acting on the basis of the Statute from the other part, concluded the present contract on the following: [...]




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