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+ sperm

manda(female, noun)

++ cunt "Pizda" (see) is more popular. "Manda" is interchangeable with "pizda" in expressions but not in words

mandavoshka(female, noun)

++ genital louse Often used to name any unknown insect.

ment(masc. noun)

cop Very commonly used, but don't say it to cop if he's not tied.

muda(or mud'a)

+ balls stress is on the last syllaby

mudack(masc. noun)

+ dumbass,full is spelled like "moo-duck" , commonly used like "muthafucka" EX: "Poslushay ty, mudack" - "Listen you, muthafucka".

mudilo(masc. noun)

+ dumbass,full A little bit stronger than "mudack".

mudozvon(masc. noun)

+ The one who is talking shit Literally translation is "The one who is chiming with his balls"


na fig(expr)

1) far away; for more see comments See "na khuy"

na khu'yu vertet'

++ to ignore someone or someone's opinion Literally translated as "To rotate someone on the top of your dick" EX: - "Da ya ego na khu'yu vertel!" - "I don't give a shit about him!"

na khuy(expr)

++ 1) far away; for mor see comments Also used as a part of expressions like "to hell with it". EX - "Da nu ego na khuy" - "To hell with him" Also used as apart of :Go to hell" EX : "Idi na khuy" - "Go to hell"

na khuya?(expr.)

++ Why?, What is the reason English analog should be like - "For fucking what?"


++ to get stone cold drunk Very often it's explained what was drinken: "Na'ebenilsya vodkoi" - "Got drunk by the vodka"; see also "nakhuyachit'sya"

naebat'(verb, transitive, perfect aspect)

+ to cheat, to con someone Menja vchera naebali na shtuku. I was conned out of one thousand roubles yesterday.

naebnut'sya(verb, inf)

++ to fall down Is used when the fall was unexpected and rather strong EX: "Vchera ya naebnulsya po p'yani na l'du"-"Yersteday I got drunk slipped on ice and fell down"


++ to get stone cold drunk Very often it's explained what was drinken: "Nakhuyachilsya vodkoi" - "Got drunk by the vodka"; see also "naebenit'sya"

ne eb'et

++ It doesnt't matters EX: "Menya eto ne eb'et" - "I don't give a fuck about it"


++ Very large Is used to describe smth. that impressed the one who's talking with its size. The literally translation should be "unfuckable"


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