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Pidar gnoinyj

++ rotten faggot Mean expression used in the coal mines of Ukrainian Donbass. Literary means the passive gay who have gotten an aqute honorreia in his anus.Puts the conterpart way down.

piz'det'(verb, intransitive, imperfect aspect)

+ 1. to chat; 2. to tell lies The word comes from the root pizda. 1. Poide"m popizdim. Let's have a chat. Let's shoot the bull. 2. Zaebal uzhe, khvatit piz'det'. You've bored me to death, cut that crap. Ne pizdi! Come off it! Cut it out! Like any other Russian of the same origin this one can only be used among friends or with people whom you want to insult or don't care about.

pizd'uk(noun, male)

++ bastard

pizda(noun, fem.)

++ vagina, cunt Probably as bad as 'cunt' in Russian.


+ good (cf. pizdato) Kak dela? -Pizdato. How are things with you? -Fantastic. (Note that the Russian word is an adverb, while its English counterpart is an adjective).


+ good (see also raspizdatyi) Smotri, kakaja pizdataja tachka. Look, isn't it a swell car?

pizdetc(noun, male)

++ fiasco, the end complete Means any kind of fatal outcome.This is the one of the most capatious words in Russian slang

pizdoi nakryt'sja(verbal phrase)

+ go out of whack, go out of kilter Moi pentjukh pizdoi nakrylsja. My Pentium went went out of whack.


+ The thing that doesn't matter Could be literally translated as "The thing from the cunt". EX: "Chto eto za piz'dyulina?" tr.: "What the fuck is it?"

po khuy(expr)

+ equal, the same "Mne po khuy" means something like "I don't give a fuck"

po'imat' na konchik(expr.)

to get a honorreia Literally translation is "To catch a thing by the end of your dick" EX - "Trakhnulsya po p'yani i po'imal na konchik" - "Was drunken, fucked some chick - and got the Jack!"

po'iti posrat'(expr)

+ to be lost or damaged is close to "pizdoi nakryt'sja " (see) but has more wide usage EX: "Mo'i otpusk posh'el posrat'" - means "I've planned to have a vacation but my plans are accidentaly broken"

podi ku'evo?

+ It's good isn't it? Is used as a comment to earlier discussed subject. "Sotnya grina ni za khuy sobachy - podi khuevo?" - "To get $100 for nothing - cool, isn't it?"


stuff that sucks see "piz'dyulina"

poluchit' pizdy

++ to get one's ass kicked EX: "Vy'ebnulsya i tut zhe poluchil pizdy" - "He bragged and then immediately was beaten" ; see also "dat' pizdy"

pososi moyu konfetku(expr)

suck my dick Literally: "suck my candy"

prissat'(verb, inf)

to scare The underlying meaning is "to piss into panties being scared"; see also "zassat'"

proebat'(verb, inf)

++ to lose Used if the thing is lost or the game. (see "prosrat'")

promudobl'adsksya pizdopro'ebina(rare)

++ no certain translation It's a concentrate of explicit language. Is used to stress that somethin' (or some one) has concentrated all negative features and things in itself

propezdoloch( noun )

+ a foxy person

prosrat'(verb, inf)

+ to lose Used if the thing is lost or the game.



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