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Glossary for the Voyage of Ohtherea adv.: forever, always (23) ac conj: but, however, but on the contrary, and (4, 23, 27, 28, 31, 39, 50) ægþer pron, ns: each (54) æghwilc pron. ns: each (one) (54) æhtum dp: possesions, properties (43) ælce ism: each (83) Ælfrede name, ds: (King) Alfred (1) ænig adj., nsm: any (6, 89) ær adv, conj: previously; before (23, 95, 99) agen adj.: own ambra gpm: measures of one amber (an unknown quantity, but a dry or liquid measure) (54) ambyrne adj. as: favourable (83) an adj. ns: a, an, one, only (20, 31, 54, 81) Angle dsn: the Angles (93) ar nsf: honour, worth, property, revenue (50) æt prep.: at, from (6, 93) æþele adj. ap: noble, excellent (34) aþer oððe ... oððe conj: either ... or (60) bæcbord n ds: left side of a ship, port side, larboard (9, 23, 87, 95, 100) ban: bone be prep.: by, alongside, to the (north, etc.), according to (4, 9, 13, 19, 54) beon, bion v anom.: be (65) Beormas name, np: Biarmians, a people of what is now part of northwest Russia, about whom we know very little for sure and for whose existence and location at this time the Ohthere story is one of our main sources. They and their land, Bjarmaland, are also mentioned in Norse sagas, as lying near the river Dvina, which does not fit well with the Ohthere account of sailing directions. Possibly they were Karelians, whose language, like that of the Sámi people, is Finno-Ugric and related to Finnish.(27, 31) berað v.: bear (76) beran gsm: bear's (54) bi prep.: near, in, on ,upon, with, along, at, to (21) betsta supl. ns: best (39) betux, betuh prep.: between, among (85, 93) bidan v 1: wait (for) with genitive of object (17) brad adj. ns: broad (65) brohton v. pret. 3p: brought (34) buan v 3: stay, dwell, live bugan v 2: bow down, turn, bend, stoop butan prep.: without, except (23) buton prep.: without, except, but, only (4, 13, 28) gebyrdum dpn: birth, rank, condition (54) byrdesta adj. ns: highest born, highest ranked (54) cierr m.: turn, change, time, occasion cirran v ?: turn, cause to move cludig adj. ns: rocky (60) cuman v 4: come, approach, get to, attain (27) Cwenas npm: a Sámi people (74, 76) cweþan v 5: say cyning m.: king cyrtel, kyrtel asm: kirtle, coat, tunic (54) dæg m.: day Denamearc nsf: Denmark (95) Dene apm: the Danes (93) deor apn: wild beasts, animals (45) durran pret. pres.: dare dyre adj. np: dear, costly (45) ea f. ns: river (20, 21, 21) eahta num.: eight (39) eall adj.: all (21, 23) eardian v. II: to dwell east adv.: eastwards (13) eastryhte adv: eastward (13) elna gp: ell (an historical measure of length, that varied in meaning in different places and times, but here probably translating Latin cubitus and somewhere in the range from 45 to 55 cm.) (38, 39, 54) emnlange prep.: along (60) Engle mp: the Angles (99) erian v. infinitive: to plough (60) ettan v. infinitive: to graze (60) fandian v 2: try, examine, explore, experience, visit (6) faran v 6: to set forth, go, travel, wander, proceed fea adj.: few fela pron. many (31, 95) fell, fel asn, apn: fell, skin, hide (54) feor adv: far (11, 12) feower num.: four (13) feowertiges num. g: forty (39) fersce adj. np: fresh (76) feðra gp: feathers (54) fif num.: five (19, 54, 93) fiftiges num. g: fifty (39) Finn m.: "Finn," but probably actually referring to members of the Sámi aboriginal peoples, whose languages are related to Finnish fiscere m. fisherman: fiscian v 2: fish fiscaþ m: fishing; for prep: for, because of, before (21, 34) for þæm conj.: because (17, 21, 31, 34, 45) forþ adv.: forth, forwards, onwards, further (21) foð v. pres. 3p: take, seize, capture (45) from, fram prep: from, by (23, 95) fugela gpm: birds' (51 fugelere m.: fowler, bird-catcher fylð pres. 3s: falls (89) fyrstum adj. supl. dp: first, most important (47) gafol nsn: tax, tribute (51) geond prep.: throughout (76) giet adv.: yet, still (12) god adj. ns: good (34) Gotland nsn: Jutland (95) gyf conj.: if (83) gyldan v. infinitive: pay, yield (54) habban v 3: have, hold æt Hæþum: Hedeby, a trading port on the Baltic Sea side of the Jutland penninsula (now in Schleswig, Germany) (93, 95) Halgoland nsn: a district of ancient Norway probably more extensive than the modern Norwegian province of Halogaland (80) ham m., ds: home (23) hatan v.: order, command, name he 3rd pers. pron.: he (1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 6, 9, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 17, 17, 19, 19, 23, 23, 31, 34, 38, 41, 43, 44, 47, 59, 65, 80, 81, 83, 87, 93, 95) healf f.: half, side hergiað v. pres. 3p: ravage, plunder, raid (74, 76) hider adv.: hither, here (99) hlaford m.: lord, master hranas apm: reindeer (45) horsan apn: horses (47) horshwælum dp: walruses (literally, "horse-whales") (34) hryðera gpn: cattle (47) hu adv.: how (6) hund num.: (a) hundred (44, 92) hunta m.: hunter huntian v 2: hunt
hwæl ns: whale (referring to the "horse-whale" or walrus, 38) hwælhunta m. : whalehunter hwælhuntað ns: whale-fishing (39) hwæt pron. ns: what (31) hwæþer conj.: whether (6) hwene adv.: a little, somewhat (65) hwile asf: time, while (83) hwon adv.: a little (13) hyd ns: hide (34) hyrð in on pres. 3s: belongs to (93) igland npn: islands (85, 100) in prep.: in, into (13, 17, 20, 21, 89, 92, 93, 100) Iraland nsn: Ireland (possibly in error for Iceland) (85) land n. as, ns, ap: land, country (3, 6, 9, 13, 17, 17, 20, 21, 23, 23, 27, 28, 59, 63, 72, 76, 87, 92, 99) lang adj. asn: long (3, 54, 59) læssa adj. comp. ns: less, smaller (38) lætan v 7: let, allow leohte adj.: light (76) licgan v 5: lie, extend longe adv: long, for a long time, far (6) lytle adj. as: little (47, 76) mænig adj. ns: many (92) ma comp. adv: more (47) magan pret. pres.: be able, can, be competent mann m.: person, man mearðes gsm: marten's (54) meras npm, ap: meres, lakes, seas (76) metan v 1: meet, encounter micel adj, asf: great, large, much (20) mid prep: with, among (45, 47) mila gpf: miles (65, 92) monðe dsm: month (83) mor nsm, as: moor, mountainous region (65, 74) nan adj, asn: none, not one, not any, no (23) ne adv., conj.: not, nor (21, 23, 27, 31, 38. 81, 83) neah adv.: near, almost, nearly (31) niht asf: night (83) norþ adv.: north (3, 11) norþan adj.: northerly; from the north (13) be norþan prep.: to the north of (6) norðor adv. comp: more northerly, north, northwards, in the north (63) Norðmen npm, ap: Northmen; Norwegians (74, 76) norþryhte conj: northwards; to the north (6, 9, 12) norðeweard adj. ns: northward (65, 72) Norðweg ns: Norway (87) of prep: of, from, among, concerning (31, 51, 54, 93) ofer prep: over, across (74, 76, 89) oferferan v. infinitive to traverse (65) Ohthere name, ns: Ohthere (1, 80) ofsloge v. pret. 3s: killed (41) on prep.: on, onto, upon, in ,into, against (2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 9, 9, 12, 13, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 23, 34, 39, 41, 43, 47, 50, 51, 60, 63, 65, 72, 74, 76, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 92, 93, 95, 99, 100) ond, and, & conj.: and (4, 9, 13, 13, 23, 23, 23, 23, 31, 34, 39, 47, 51, 54, 60, 63, 65, 76, 83, 85, 87, 93, 95, 100) oþ conj.: until, up to, as far as (72, 87) oþer adj., pron.: other, another, next, remaining oþþe conj.: or (6, 13, 17, 28, 28, 54, 65) port nsm: port, harbour (81) ryhtnorþanwind m.: a wind from the north sæ fns: sea (4, 13, 17, 60, 89, 92) sceapa gpn: sheep (47) sceawunge ds: seeing, surveying (34) sculan pret. pres.: must, ought to, have to, shall sciprapas apm: ship-ropes, cables (here, ones twisted from walrus-hide ) (54) scir nsf: shire, district, division (80) Sciringesheal asm:Skiringssalr, identified by a recent archaeological team as the trading port excavated at Kaupang, Norway (link *here* to the project Web site, unfortunately only in Norwegian) (81,89) scypu apn: ships (76) se dem. pron.: the, that (38, 39, 54, 65, 93) Seaxum dpm: the Saxons, Saxony (93) seoles, sioles gsm: seal's (51, 54) Sillende ns: Zealand (95) sohte v. pret. 3s: sought, searched for (44) secgan v 1: say, tell self pron. ns: self, himself (31) seon v. infinitive: to see, look (89) siglan v 1: sail (21) siþþan conj. or adv.: after, since, when; afterwards (23, 65) smæl adj. ns: small, narrow (59) soþes gs: truth (31) speda np: successes, riches (43) spella gp: stories, fables (31) spræcon v pret. 3p: spoke (31) stælhranas npm: decoy reindeer (45) steorbord n ds: starboard, right hand side of a ship (9, 23, 85, 95) stent pres. 3s: stands (93) stow f.: place styccemælum adv.: in pieces, bit by bit, piecemeal, here and there (4) suþryhte adv.: southwards (17, 19) suðweardum adj.: southward (72, 81) sum adj.: some, a certain (41) sumor m.: summer swa . . . swa correl. adv and conj.:so . . . as; as . . . as; so much the more . . . so much the more; (11, 12, 63, 65, 65) Sweoland country, nsn: Sweden (72) swiþe, swyðe adj: very, exceedingly (3, 27, 34, 43, 45, 59, 60, 76, 89) swyna gpn: swine, hogs (47) syfan num: seven (38) symle adv: ever, always (63) syx num: six (44, 45, 65) syxa sum as one of six (i.e. with five others) (41) syxtig num: sixty ( 54, 65); sixty [walruses] (41) tamra adj. gp: tame (44) Terfinna gp: the Ter Sámi, aboriginal inhabitants of the Kola Penninsula(28) teð ap: teeth (34) to prep.: to, at, for, (adv.) too (34, 87, 93, 95) toemnes prep.: alongside (72) twam num. dp: two (41, 65) twentig num: twenty (47) tyn num: ten (54) þa conj.: then, at that time, when (9, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 34, 44, 45, 95) þe rel. part.: that, which (31, 43, 50, 51, 80, 85, 93, 100) þeah adv.: however, yet (3, 47, 60) þær adv, conj: there, where (13, 13, 17, 17, 20, 28, 65, 76) þæron adv.: therein (27) þæt conj.: that, so that (1, 2, 3, 6, 13, 41, 47, 65, 80, 81, 83, 93) ðider adv.: thither, there (34, 83) þiderweard adv.: thitherwards, to that place (95) þis dem. pron. nsn, asn: this (87) geþeode as:language (31 þrie, þry num.: three (9, 95) þritig num.: thirty (65) þonan, þanon adv.: from that time or place, away (3, 19, 76) þonne adv.: then, when: comp: than (38, 47, 72, 81, 85, 87, 89) þuhte v. pret. 3s: seemed (31) unbebohtra adj. gp: unsold (44) unfriþ m.: breach of peace, enmity, war up adv.: up (20, 21, 89, 92) weg m as: way, direction (9, 23, 87) wel adv.: well (27) weste adj.; nsn, asn: waste, barren, desolate, uninhabited, empty (4, 9, 23, 28) Westsæ f: Western Sea (2) westan adj: from the west (13) westen m,n: desert, wilderness wician v 2: dwell, lodge, camp widsæ f as: open sea, ocean (9, 23, 95) wildan adj. ap: wild (45) wildrum dp: wild beasts (here, especially reindeer) (43) will v anom.: wish, desire, will gewyrcan v: to make, produce, create wind m.: wind (83) Winedum dpm: the Wends (93) winter m.: winter witan pret. pres.: to know, to understand, to be aware of wiþ prep. : against, along, in return for, from, with (2, 60, 89) wucum dpf: weeks (65) ymb . . . utan adv.: about, around, by (31) yterenne adj. asm: made of otter skin (54)