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Bank RobberyTASK 1. Look at this picture and read the text. Z>o yen* know tluls Photofit of the suspect Police are searching for a man who is wanted for questioning about a string of burglaries in the Manchester area, which they suspect may be connected. In the first of two recent incidents, a man tied up a woman in her own house in the early hours of the morning and escaped with goods valued at around £2,000. They included items of jewellery, a stereo, a video recorder and a colour TV set. She managed to free herself, unhurt, after he fled. She described him as white, around 5'8", in his late twenties, well-built, clean-shaven, with a pointed nose and straight dark hair. Two days later a man wearing a stocking mask broke into a factory in the same area and got away with cash of around £3,000. A man fitting the description above was later seen driving away from the scene in an old blue Escort van. Police warn that this man could be armed and therefore dangerous. They have issued the photofit picture above and ask the public to contact; them immediately if they have any. information. i TASK 2. Find in the text the English equivalents for these words and expressions. - наличные деньги; - допрос; - вооружен и, следовательно, опасен; - подозреваемый; - кража со взломом; - полиция разыскивает; - фоторобот; - маска-чулок; - ворваться; - человек, соответствующий этому описанию; - место преступления. TASK 3. Find m the text the description of the criminal and compose an opposite one e g. "She described him as black, very tall " TASK 4 Listen to the tape There have been several bank and post office robberies recently. The police are investigating the crimes and they would like to interview two men and one woman who were seen near two of the banks last week. The police officer is describing to journalists at a press conference the three people they would like to interview. Use the information you hear to help you to complete these drawings of the three people. TASK 5. Listen to Tony talking about the experience he had, and answer the following questions 1 • What kind °f robbery was it? 2. Was it a successful robbery? 3. How did Tony feel a) during it? b) after it? Listen again and fill in the following notes, which the police took during their interview with Tony a few days later a) What time of day was it? b) Where was the bank? c) How many customers were in it? d) What was Tony doing when the robbers arrived? e) How many robbers were there? f) What were they wearing? g) What were they carrying? h) What did the robbers say? i) What did people do? j) How did the robbers get the cash? k) What did they say when they were leaving? 1) When did the police arrive? m) What did Tony do next? TASK 6 Fill this story about a bank robbery with the appropriate phrasal verbs in the correct tense The meaning of each verb is given m brackets Choose the appropriate phrasal verb from the box below