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Be a Detective

TASK 5. Read the end of a detective story

So, one foggy November night, Mr. X, wearing a long overcoat, walked along a back street in Liverpool with a box under his arm. He came to a house, put his box down on the ground, and knocked at the door. When a man opened the door, Mr. X picked up the box and gave it to him. The man in the house nodded, took the box, and closed the door. Mr. X walked away.

Two days later, Mr. X read in the newspaper that a dead body had been found in a Liverpool park with its left arm missing and he was extremely shocked.

How did it all start? You can find out the whole previous story by asking your teacher yes/no questions. In order to get the right train of thought find out the following.

1. Find out the relationship between the

two men.

2. Think about the size ot the box and what was in it.

3. Why did Mr. X put the box on the ground before knocking on the door?

4. What was significant about the dead body?


TASK 1 Solve the crossword

















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TASK 2. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the box. , >ЛГ^

arrested; f in custody; \o defence; /sP
solicitor;^ evidence; (/ barrister; *J
verdict; J proof; a -2 witness;^/
fme;V charged ;/ 5 testimony; z г
juvenile delinquent; 5 sentenced;^ arson; / з Ш ^ ^
ball ; f Magistrate's Court; /<" burglary; <? ^
prosecution; * probation; (£ imprisonment, г/"
commit;*" embezzlement; '*  
shop-lifting; 5 Crown Court; tf  

crimes has"risen shafp

1. The number of young people who

in recent years.

2. Another house was broken into last week. This is the third _ in

the area in the past month.

3. The judge him to seven years' *$ for armed robbery.

4. After twelve hours, the Jury finally reached its . j> : the prisoner

was guilty. л.40^4^ ioM-t

5. Although the police suspectedJhat he had been involved in the

robbery, since they had no aefraite Д there was nothing they could do about it.

6. He parked his car in the wrong place and had to pay a £20 parking

7. This is the fourth fire in the area recently. The police suspe

by the police outside a pub in Soho and

- . <3 for minor

8. Theshop decided to install closed-circuit television in an effort to

cimbat the problem of

9. He was _(______

IЬ with murder.

10. There are two criminal courts in Britain - the 1*) offences and the____iff for more serious ones.

11.А Ъ

12. A___«M

13. The lawyer who prepares the case for his or her client prfo'r to

fVu rLOlLM. ^

appearing in court is called a <l______. The lawyer who

is a young person who breaks the law.

is someone who sees a crime being committed, ижд^*'

actually presents the case in court is called a

14. The sum of money left with a court of law so that a prisoner may be set free until his or her trial comes up is called ql

15. The bank manager, aomitted taking £250,000 of the bank's money

Ь-^Ь- r^l/C^A & ^""f

during the previews five years. He was found guilty of (<| - e6

16. The witness held the Bible in her right hand and said: "I sweaTby Almighty God that the И_____I shall give shall be the

truth, the wholejruth, and nothing but the truth." 1. The formal statement made by a witness in court i

17. The formal sMement made by a witness in court is called a____

18. If a person is t<?_______5 this means that he or she is put in

prison before his or her trial comes up.

19. Since it was his first offence, he was not sent to prison but put on

' ^ for 6 months.

20. At a trial, the barrister who speaks for the accused is called the Counsel for the г , while the barrister who speaks against him is called the Counsel for the___/ ^_____.

TASK 3. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the box.


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