

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Reading Passage 1.

Match the terms with the definitions.

1. Virtual reality a. electronic technologies that convert analogue information into numerical format, consisting of 0 and 1
2. Virtual school hall b. technologies, aiming at achieving human intelligence by machines, incl. decision-making capability
3. Digitalization /numericalization/ c. two-way communication in real time
4. Artificial intellect d. computers, telecommunication and the combination between them and other technologies, include in them, methods of collecting, storage, and transformation and circulation of information as well the means of their application
5. Information technologies e. multitude of interconnected components, which catch, deliver, analyze and show information with the aim to extend our abilities for apperception, understanding, management and creation.
6. Interactivity f. an artificially created reality that puts the consumer in tri dimensional space, generated by a computer
7. Information system g. society, in which more than the half of the labour force is engaged in collecting and extracting information than in manufacturing goods
8. Cyberspace h. a place for study and training, situated in a computer communication system, where teachers and students from one course could communicate from different parts of the world
9. Information society i. using of computer for making a criminal act. For example, theft of money or other property, computer or telecommunicate services, unauthorized access and using of information systems theft, alteration or destroying of data or programs
10. Computer abuse j. all levels of information resources available through computer networks.
11. Telecommunications k. using of computers, modems and telephone lines for conveying of information and data
12. Computer crime l. action including computer, which may be legal but not ethical

Decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE then read the text and check your ideas.

1. There is an evidence of constant spreading information technologies and services.

2. New era of the humanity development requires innovative thinking of the citizens.

3. The information society is a result of the economic growth.

4. The information society key objective is to improve a person.

5. ″The technological illiteracy″ overcoming is considered an approach to cope with the difference between ″the information poor countries″ and ″information rich ones.″

6. Education play the significant role in preparing citizens to live in the information society.


Reading Passage 1.


ince the second half of the XX century the informationstarts playing a key role in overcoming geographical, social and cultural borders. And as the ideologists of the information society claim, the information becomes “a key to economic growth”. The spreading of information and the consumption of technologies and information services is growing continuously. Today, the information and communication industry has an annual growth of 7 – 8% with a trend to increase, which makes it the fastest developing industries in world. The result is a worldwide supply of services no matter of distances, activation of international cooperation.

With the appearance of personal computers starts talking about the forming of a new information space and of new information society with their specific requirements towards its citizens. Heterogeneous activities appeared, which work from a distance, like teleshoping, telebanking, telemarketing, distance education and etc.

The new communication and information technologies and the going process of globalization of the economy and markets gave a new push of development of the information society and technical, economic, social and cultural integration of different nations. The social effects of information technologies in the information society are globalization of economies, market expansion, organization shrinking, growth of small and middle business on big business account, and economy transformation in direction of knowledge based information and services.

The information society provides conditions for improvement of personal development possibilities.

Substantial importance gains the citizens’ ability to use these possibilities. On one hand is a necessity of acquiring new knowledge and of developing specific skills for dealing with ″new information technologies.″ ″The technological literacy″ is one of the compulsory elements of obliteration the difference between ″the information poor countries″ and ″information rich ones.″

In the bases of preparation for information society stands the realization of the paramount role of education for adequate citizens participation in developing of new ideas, in creative approach to work, in studying from life itself, in overcoming the unemployment, in general in coping with challenges of a society based on knowledge.

OVER TO YOU Is Ukrainean information poor or rich country? Justify your opinion?


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