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Gerard's POV. "Hello Mr. Dark Ninja and Mr

"Hello Mr. Dark Ninja and Mr. Skeleton," the Mayor greeted us as we flew into his office to collect him. Really, he had changed his tune. He was trying to suck up to us bad. Not that I minded. It was nice not to be treated like dirt for once, considering that Frank and I did a huge amount of work involving helping out the people of New York City.

"Hello Sir," Frank greeted the Mayor on behalf of the both of us. We both shook his hand.

"Well, let's get going to the police station. Do you have any idea who Dr. Krustallos and The Executioner could be?" the Mayor asked.

"We have our suspicions," Frank said. "That's why we really need to use the police program."

"Right, well let's get going," the Mayor ordered. Frank held onto both myself and the Mayor as I lifted us off the ground and turned us invisible, flying us out of one of the large windows in the Mayor's office.

"Oh wow. This really is something," the Mayor said, awestruck at how we were invisibly flying across town.

Once we finally reached the police station, we all remained holding onto one another and remained invisible as we walked through to the Sergeant's office, bypassing the large crowd of people who were reporting shit that had happened to them today. Once we were in there, we revealed ourselves, scaring the shit out of the Sergeant and the two security guys who had been awaiting our arrival.

"Hey, did ya miss us?" Frank asked cheekily. His lips were contorted into a smirk.

"Welcome back Mr. Skeleton and Mr. Dark Ninja," the Sergeant welcomed us.

The next 5 minutes were spent with the Sergeant navigating us around the police database, showing us how to use it. Frank and I pretended that we had never seen the database before and therefore didn't know how to use it, even though Erica had hacked into it only a few days ago.

Once we had supposedly learned how to use it, we straight away searched Ray Toro. And surprise surprise, a massive list of offenses came up for him. He murdered 3 people. He'd shop-lifted many times during his teenage years. He'd had counts of drink-driving and drug possession. And the most interesting piece of information - he had been sentenced to the electric chair and miraculously survived. Not only that, he'd then escaped from the prison hospital and was now on the run. He was a wanted criminal. There were a dozen mug shots of him. It was the same guy that Bob had introduced to us as 'Richard'. Frank was right. Bob and Ray were the villains. They had to be. Ray had obviously absorbed the electricity or it had somehow altered his DNA and he could shoot electricity out of his hands.

"Oh my god! It is him!" Frank exclaimed.

"I was thinking the same thing," I told him.

"God, Ninja Boy, I was right. Hot Girl is wrong. How are we gonna prove to her who they are?" Frank asked, ignoring the Mayor, the Sergeant and the security who were probably thinking, "What the fuck?!"

"We'll record them with a video camera. We'll surveillance them all the time," I decided.

"Excuse me, but what are you talking about?" the Mayor asked.

"This man, Ray Toro is The Executioner," Frank explained. The Mayor and the Sergeant remained silent as they read the information about Ray Toro.

"He's hiding in the pool house of a guy named Bob. We don't know his last name, but Hot Girl does. We think that Bob might be Dr. Krustallos because he used to live in the apartment block owned by Jeph Howard which was torn down to create a mansion. Therefore he had a motive to kill Jeph. He was also in the toxic explosion in New Jersey. We know that as a fact. It doesn't matter how we know, but we know he definitely was," I said in one breath.

"Who is Hot Girl?" the Sergeant asked.

"She's another superhero that prefers to stay away from the public eye," I explained in reply.

"And how does she know this Bob guy's last name? Does she know him?" the Sergeant questioned.

"They're related," was all that Frank said. "Dr. Krustallos and The Executioner live in a pink pool house but we don't want you to move in and arrest them. They're powerful and could kill you or your men," he added.

"Well as for now, I'll let you both remain in charge of this case. When you think it's necessary, I'll send my men in. But until then, I'll allow you to make judgments on what to do," the Sergeant said.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," the Sergeant ordered.

"Sergeant, you may want to turn on the TV. There are some problems down town," a Constable spoke.

If this had shit to do with Dr. Krustallos and The Executioner I was gonna be mighty pissed off. What happened to them going bowling?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 131; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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