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Frank's POV. "Holy fucking shit!" I exclaimed as I watched on the TV"Holy fucking shit!" I exclaimed as I watched on the TV. Dr. Krustallos and The Executioner, or should I say Bob and Ray were causing mayhem in one of the main shopping streets downtown. Dr. Krustallos was creating acid balls and throwing them down the street as The Executioner shot electricity at them, making them go faster, causing explosions to occur when the acid-lightning balls collided with things. I remembered that Erica told Gerard and I that water was the only thing that decomposed the acid. This meant that the lightning and the acid crystal didn't change form when in contact with one another, thus making a more powerful force than I had considered. What the fuck were we going to do? "When they said they were going bowling, I thought they meant the conventional way," Gerard spoke. "I did too. But why the hell are they doing this?" I asked him. "No idea. But we need to stop it. Thank you Sergeant for allowing us to use your computer program, but right now, we need to go stop this problem downtown," Gerard said. "It's fine. Good luck boys," the Sergeant spoke as Gerard and I left his office. Five minutes later, Gerard and I were invisibly hovering above the mess downtown, watching Dr. Krustallos create his acid crystal and throw them as The Executioner engulfed them in electricity. The people on the streets were screaming and trying to run away. People were down, hopefully not dead. Gerard and I needed to figure out a plan. "I vote we blast them with fire again," I suggested. "Ok, but if The Executioner tries to blast us with electricity, you need to grab me and run as fast as you can to safety. They must be doing this as some kind of way to get our attention so that we'll come down here and try to stop them. You know what we need? We need Mikey to figure out his powers. He could shield us from their bullshit," Gerard pointed out. "Ok. Let's do this," I said. Gerard and I landed on the street behind The Executioner and Dr. Krustallos who were still having fun with their acid-lightning balls. Gerard revealed ourselves and promptly shot fire at the direction of The Executioner, his hair beginning to burn. "Liar liar, 'fro's on fire," Gerard spoke, making Dr. Krustallos and The Executioner stop in their tracks and turn around. "So, the superheroes are back. Why did you leave? Did you go on your honeymoon? We missed you," Dr. Krustallos said sadistically. "That is none of your business," I told him. "Oh and by the way, your friend might want to find something to put his hair out with," I added, making Dr. Krustallos look at The Executioner. "Oh my god. Someone get us some water!" Dr. Krustallos exclaimed. "Fuck, my hair is on fire!" The Executioner screeched. Suddenly Gerard disappeared. "Where did he go?" Dr. Krustallos asked me. "Beats me," I replied. "Who fucking cares where he is. My hair is on fire," The Executioner spoke, before Gerard reappeared behind them and set fire to their capes. "That's not all that's on fire. You guys need to stop causing problems for innocent people. Now go on home and leave everyone alone," Gerard spoke, as they realized their capes were on fire. Dr. Krustallos was running around like a mad man as The Executioner opened up a link into the sewer and jumped in there. Dr. Krustallos had no choice but to follow. "Ew," I spoke, scrunching my nose up. "At least that shit's back where it belongs," I added, making Gerard laugh a tiny bit. "Come on, let's get rid of these acid balls and go home. They won't be reappearing until they've fixed their capes," Gerard pointed out as we got to work on getting rid of the acid balls. Then he flew me back home. Today had been full of excitement. We had learned who Dr. Krustallos and The Executioner were and we stopped them from injuring people. They were so close to being captured, I could feel it.